“She looks good with you,” Maggie insisted. “You ready?”
Beth shook her head. “No. I could live a lifetime without one of my own. But, I guess, I have to be? I don’t mean to sound like Louis is forcing me to have a baby against my will. Without his insistence… I wouldn’t need one. That’s all I’m saying.”
“He wants children?”
“I mean, babies frighten him, but he knows we need to have one. I think he will enjoy having them once we do. He’s just… he’s not a baby person.”
Maggie nodded from bed, beaming at baby Kiersten chewing a teething biscuit.
“I think you will take a shine to it, Bethy. You love children. It will be good for you.”
“I think I was hesitant to give much thought to it, but, now, with this… I think it’s sooner rather than later.”
“I don’t want you to rush it, sweetheart.”
“Yes. But it is important you meet our child. To me, I mean.”
“I will be around. I have an iron will to see at least one of your children breathe on this Earth.”
Beth smiled.
“I need to ask you something, Beth,” Maggie began.
“It is my intention to will leases, essentially, to properties. Think about which ones might interest you as, say, a holiday home for yourself and Louis. Robbie and Duncan will inherit so much outright. In your case… I want to make sure we don’t pass you over. Think about jewels, too. Anything from my private collection. I would like you to get a first pass.”
“Mum, can we not talk about this?” Beth became upset.
“I want you to be aware it will happen while I’m still alive with many of my faculties. I can’t give you everything but… you’re my only daughter. And, anyway, I would like your children to have some things from our collection. As such, I also plan to buy you a wedding tiara. So, beginning thinking on what you might prefer there.”
“Mum, you don’t have to—”
“Belgium’s clutch should be improved. I can help. I will help. It is also the typical gift one gives a royal bride. I would very much like to see you in something you love. Something you can think about for years to come.”
Beth teared and held Kiersten close. She bent and kissed the baby’s cheek, snuggling her. Beth took in the scent of her pretty little crown of golden curls. Babies were so delightful in that way. It was as if Beth tried to centre herself. She was struggling to get away from her true feelings. Her mother was making amends with the end of her life. Beth wasn’t ready for this. Here she was with new life in her lap. Here they were talking about Beth herself breathing new life into the world. They were also planning for The End. The After. Beth was not ready for The After.
“I’ll think about it and talk to Louis about it,” she said, instead of arguing.
Louis was consistently busy while Beth was gone. It made her absence less noticeable but not more tolerable. He worried about her. Louis knew what the uncertainty of “when” felt like. There was an ease in knowing at some point in the near future his father wouldn’t be in pain anymore. The uncertainty of when it would happen was the difficult part. Maggie’s longer timeline was better and worse. Somehow, it was more pressing because the family had time to wrap things up as best they could. There was time for a bucket list. In Louis’s case, Albert died after a long decline. The “when” became apparent when surgeries were no longer an option. Maggie was, despite her surgery, going to get better for a bit before getting worse.
When Beth returned, it was late. They had to go to Amsterdam in the evening for a meeting with the Dutch Royal Family. It was a visible trip and one they had looked forward to before this situation came to light. Beth had been scheduled to return in the afternoon, but stuck around to attend a lunch with the whole family and see her niblings, as she called her nieces and nephews. Louis didn’t question it. She could spend as much time as she needed.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Beth was numb and flat. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, anyway. Just take me to bed. I want to… I need a distraction.”
Beth appeared emboldened by her grief or maybe she just wanted to feel something. She kissed him, biting his bottom lip in this possessive way. Beth was never subtle behind closed doors. In contrast, she was never overly affectionate in public. She kept her hands at ten and two and Louis followed suit. They’d grown up knowing the rules. Still, behind closed doors, she was downright handsy.
“Get naked. I’m not fucking around,” Beth stripped almost frantically.
“You are…” Louis couldn’t find the words in English.
“Fuck me or don’t fuck me, Louis, but I’ve been wanting to do this for days. I’m about to combust. Either you’re getting me off or I’m doing it myself.”
Louis followed her directions, ending up under her a few moments later, marvelling at her breasts predictably. They were fabulous. Beth was a woman possessed. Usually, it was Louis in charge of the tempo. Neither of them liked it soft and slow. It wasn’t their dynamic. It wasn’t lovemaking. They would never have referred to it as such. Louis’s favourite thing as listening to her scream his name as she came. It was so gratifying. Beth held all the cards. Beth wasn’t shy and could be downright demanding. Louis loved it. She let him pretend he was in charge for her own sexual gratification.
Louis sometimes joked she was going to kill him. He certainly did this time.