“She looked like she was about to cry,” Veronique said. “Of course, if I were her, I probably would standing next to you. She said, ‘You are everything you need to be.’ What did she mean?”
“I’m young, willing to have children, but mainly of royal birth. I am not a great match, contrary to what she said. However, it works.”
“He is most lucky to have you, my dear. And I will cry many tears the day it happens. I will never get used to calling you Queen Bethany.”
Beth giggled. “I know, right? What a nightmare!”
“I’d like to change the name of the house.”
Louis hosted his Monday morning meeting. Beth missed this meeting. She was on her way back from Paris. Everyone stared, dumbfounded.
“It was my father’s wish, but he decided to leave it to me. I think the time has come to change the name of the house.”
“Sir, it is a challenge politically—”
Louis held firm. “We need unity more than ever. Having a German dynastic name not reflective of us as a nation isn’t helping. Yes, a name change is symbolic, but this is a change for the monarchy. We will have a Francophone Queen. She is insistent we spend more time in Wallonia, where she is well-liked. For once, the monarchy might have a chance there. I would like to embrace both sides of this.”
Another courtier asked, “What were you thinking, sir?”
“I was thinking we would include both sides of this. Laeken, for one. It is the seat of the monarchy. However, given our family crest and the fact it can sound francophone, I would take the name of Beth’s house and add it in. It would make sense to include both. Lyons-Laeken.”
No one spoke.
“We can vet it. I don’t care. I would just like to make a decision shortly here—before the wedding. I would like to tell her what the decision before then.”
“Sir, has she been asking about this? Is this coming from her?” a courtier asked.
Louis chuckled, finding humour. “No! Beth has never asked about it. She, historically, has not gone by Lyons. She used McDonough whenever she could. That’s her father’s last name. She lived like a commoner for ages before we met. Still, McDonough isn’t the house name and it’s not going to fly here. I would like our children to have a better name to use officially if they enter military service or are out living their lives. Luc using Coburg was stupid.”
“Sir, it will be a major change. People might be upset.”
“Why? The German speaking minority doesn’t much care. Britain changed its house name for a similar reason. We were of the same house. Technically, we still are, I suppose. Something needs to change. Father said it first but did not want to steal my thunder. I have given this much thought over the past few months. This is what I would like to do. I am not asking you for advice on whether it should be done. I am asking for advice on how best to approach it. I should have clarified.”
There were many nods.
Louis had wanted a semblance of where the government would settle before he broached this pressing question. Moreover, he was trying to get through the holidays by the skin of his teeth. Unsurprisingly, Beth was a popular addition to Christmas festivities. It added some positive energy to the difficult first Christmas without King Albert. In some ways, nothing changed. The past two years, Albert had been invisible. Much as Robbie had delivered the Queen’s Christmas Address for the family, Louis had played king in his father’s absence long before he officially took the title.
The meeting adjourned after a discussion of scheduling priorities leading up to the royal wedding. Things were moving. He scheduled a call with Robbie the following day to iron out financial details. Louis started to believe the wedding would happen. He was past the 60-day point where things fell apart last time, and Beth showed no signs of running.
Beth arrived, but Louis was busy in meetings until much later in the day. They got a few moments alone in the late afternoon before leaving to a charity benefit. There wasn’t a lot of chatting. Instead, Beth was her usual self. She came in hot. She wasted no time demanding they both get naked. Louis expected it by now. She’d been gone for four days with her friends and female family members. He’d missed her.
“The pictures from the night were fabulous,” Louis said as they caught their breath. “You looked like you had fun at Manon.”
“It was lovely,” Beth rolled sideways. “It was great. We had a grand time.”
“You looked beautiful.”
“I know. I would have been a great beauty at that court.”
“You are a great beauty at any court, Beth. By any measure. You are gorgeous.”
“You flatter me, Your Majesty, but really… you do not have to say it.”
“I do. You can never accept a compliment,” Louis said.
“I saw ghosts, though.”