Page 6 of The English Queen

“Because I made Mum cry and because I made your life harder and—”

Robbie held up his hand to stop her. “No. You didn’t make my life harder. My life was plenty hard before and it remains that way. Mum cried because she is broken. Bethy, you needn’t worry about me, okay? I am mostly just… ashamed you’ve felt like this for so long and none of us knew. I feel dreadful you’ve ever felt less than brilliant. I am gutted you felt like you’re unworthy of things. God, it makes me livid. I just… I’m sorry. You are splendid. I have always admired your strength and bravery–I think we all have. And I’ve always been jealous of your independence. I’m sorry.”

Beth was surprised by his genuine response. “Thank you.”

“I um… I think you should go back up the hill tonight, though. Mum has sequestered herself and is ‘sick’. I don’t think she will give you trouble but we’re about to have dozens of guests and someone will talk about it as if there is some family rift or your family and Louis’s don’t get on.”

“You and Louis aren’t besties.”

Robbie laughed. “Correct. But I respect Louis and I think he is good for you, sister. That is what matters. And I don’t know what Mum’s beef is with Louis other than he told her he was going to ask you and he didn’t want her opinion—”

“He said that?”

“Yeah. He did. Well, he wasn’t asking her opinion. I was on the call so, I heard it.”

“Holy shit. Well, wow, Louis. That explains the shit press release.”

“Ah, the release. I was so hoping it wouldn’t offend you. I tried. I tried,” Robbie sighed.

“I was hurt, yeah. I tried to let it go. I tried to just, you know, be happy. But I have hair and makeup for an entire set of photos to be taken by the stables in several hours–followed by a sit-down interview—so… I don’t really have time to have opinions.”

“Don’t let her ruin it all for you. Trust me. You want to look back at your wedding day and remember how in love you were–not how infuriating your mother was.”

Beth nodded and looked down at Kiersten. “Our family has issues, K-K. You ready for it?”

The baby smiled back at her, and Beth laughed. “You have the prettiest little smile. Yes. Yes, you do.”


Beth saw Louis in the doorway.

“Morning,” Beth said.

“Morning. I don’t mean to interrupt but something about a hair and makeup call. I just—”

“No, I’ll get ready,” Beth sighed. “I’ll go up to the big house to deal with it. We’ll go back. Even if it means I have to part with this little darling.”

“We’ll give you space,” Robbie said.

Beth kissed the baby’s head before handing her back.

With Robbie gone, Beth dressed.

“Is everything alright?” Louis asked.

“I guess? Mum is ‘sick’, and Robbie’s suggestion is to just play along like all is well. Can you?”

“I will try, mijn liefste. Why was the baby here?”

“A cheer up. It’s hard to be too maudlin with a baby in your arms.”


Robbie gave Vanna a leg up on her mount. She took her reins and adjusted stirrups.

“Don’t overdo it,” Robbie cautioned.

“Robert, I will ride with the first group right alongside Mairead and you cannot stop me,” Vanna said defiantly. “I am fine.”