“Meghan is doing your dress?” Louis was surprised. “It’s… practically unheard of.”
Beth winced. “I know, bug I hated everything else I saw, and she is a dear friend. Why would I not choose her?”
“I guess that gives you some plot armour. Have you given thought to wearing Mom’s veil?”
Beth took in a deep breath, “I hate it. So, no.”
“Oh, Beth, good lord, give us something! I love you. It’s your decision but—”
“I wore NATAN for literally everything the last two months, but he did not impress me. I gave him every chance to pull together something—”
“Did you give him clear directions?”
“In English and French, yes,” Beth answered. “And also told him it was the necklines. I wasn’t fifty. And when I asked Veronique for advice about Catholic weddings, she showed me dozens of photos. Guess what? It’s the same as ours. It’s not a different thing. There is no reason I should covered my breasts up to my fucking chin when they are no doubt my best feature.”
Louis chuckled. “They are not your best feature, but they are nice. I do not think you should hide them.”
“I’m not going to. But he said the style is modest and he saw it as modest.”
“You’ll look pretty as ever, but I agree. You’re not ancient. As long as it’s not… too much. The priests are—”
“Look, it wouldn’t offend our Archbishop. Vanna, Rita, and Aunt Sabine said the design looked fine. I am sure it will be alright. If half an inch of cleavage scandalizes people, they are just afraid of breasts. That and people don’t realise it’s near impossible to just cover them up.”
“They are a masterpiece and would scandalise the priest. Speaking of which, we must meet with the man.”
“God, I don’t want to.”
Louis chuckled. “Nor do I. But you must make a good impression… as I am sure you will be, mijn liefste.”
Beth didn’t want to meet with the Cardinal of the archdiocese. He was the Primate of the Church which, essentially, made him the Belgian Archbishop of Canterbury. Beth was still trying to understand Catholicism as a thing. It all sounded similar yet sometimes a bit ridiculous. She kept these feelings inside except for Veronique or Louis. Louis was not officially head of the church, so he was free to have opinions in private that even Maggie wouldn’t share. Beth relished his rants. Sometimes, Louis could go off on the most delightful tangent.
“Are we going to lie about our living arrangements? Pretend I’m still a virgin?” Beth raised one eyebrow playfully.
“I wouldn’t lie about that last part, Beth. Good God. Neither of us have been saintly or quiet. We do have separate chambers so I’m not too worried about that lie. I doubt he will ask. Last time, the cardinal did not ask. I don’t meant to bring it up but…”
“It’s alright. But Phillipa is Catholic. I worry he’s going to get grumpy.”
“He will have to respect you will not convert.”
“It’s disingenuous, which I will tell him. I don’t believe in converting to tick a box. That seems insulting. Would I if I had to? Sure. But… it feels wrong. My family famously is not Catholic. I am not taking communion in a church that doesn’t view me as one of the flock. And it’s because we had a hissy fit and left. So, whatever, we can raise our children with a big grain of salt, but I do not want to be Catholic. If the Cardinal only knew… half of it. I just want to make sure he’s not going to ask me about sex and all that. I would flat out not answer those questions.”
“Why on Earth would he?”
“I don’t know. My past is colourful. I’ve never lied about it.”
“What is it then? What specifically?”
“I don’t consider myself straight. I’m pretty sure we’ve been over this. I’m not running my mouth about it. I realise the optics matter. But… I am not going to lie about it.”
“But what is the extent of it?”
“Oh, um… well, I’ve never been with another woman if that is what you are asking. But… would I have been open to it if it were an option, and it would been right. I just… I never met that person. It’s not like I am dying to run off with a woman, either. I’m with you so don’t get all nervous and insecure.”
“You mean I don’t have to pick fights with every man and woman in the world over you? Fights I would lose, I’d bet.”
Beth giggled. “Nah, but I have more faith in you. It’s the quiet ones you have to look for in a fight. And as big as you are, Louis, I bet you could find the strength to hand someone their arse.”
“I’m a lover not a fighter,” Louis joked. “A tortured artist.”