The void begins closing in on the absence of action with a wave of bodies, blocking the view, but not before I catch the smirk forming on his smug fucking face.
Fucking fuck.
“Where the fuck is she?”
I shake my head at my sister for what feels like the thirtieth time in the last hour and set my water bottle on the nightstand between us.
“Still no answer,” I stare at my phone, the screen long ago gone dark, and wonder what the fucking fuck Cedar has gotten herself into now.
While I also contemplate why in thehellI suddenly have a new message waiting in my text threads that’s from Rex.
Did he know I was there?
Shit … Does he think I was looking for him?
I don’t want to be labeled a stalker. Or a crazed fan.
My sister pukes words because she’s nervous but I’m too sucked into my own thoughts to register what she’s saying anymore. Her voice bounces around in my skull like the mumblings of a cartoon teacher and jumbles my thoughts even more.
Do I even care?
Aurora and I woke up still tipsy to a silently spinning room about two and a half hours ago. She puked twice and I took acold shower before we bothered to notice Cedar’s been incognito for at least that long. With no response to cell communications since.
I gave her a few minutes thinking she ran to the snack shack for a candy bar or to get some ice, but then she still didn’t show back up. Aurora freaked and started blowing up her phone.
And judging by the sender of the unopened text, I would suggest I know exactly what she’s been doing.
I just don’t know where to find her now.
“You seriously mean you two don’t have find my device set up for each other?” My sister is in near hysterics like this isn’t normal behavior for Cedar, screeching shit in my ear when she thinks I’m not listening.
Jokes on her though. I haven’t heard more than two words she’s said.
Benefit of being older, I guess. You have more practice tuning shit out.
“Jesus Christ, Ari. I’m going to find her.” Aurora stomps across the room like a toddler and snatches up a jacket that’s not even hers.
“And how are you going to do that?” I deadpan from the same spot on the bed I settled into when I realized Cedar was gone, never to return. Not before dawn at least.
“I don’t know!” she throws her hands up, tossing the coat into the air on accident. Still a little drunk and with a whole lot of adrenaline, my sister huffs heavily and flops onto the bed opposite me.
Drama queen.
“C does this, sis.” My attention diverts from her distraught face when my phone vibrates in my hand. I glance at the screen to see Rex’s faux name fill the notification box, a snip of his message available to read but it’s longer than the box allows.
Dammit. What is going on?
I blank out the screen with a tap of the power button and roll over onto my side.
“She gets a burr up her ass about something and she’ll show up when she’s ready with a new tattoo or some weird cuisine she found. Possibly drunk. Possibly with a guy. Maybe even a chick.” I punch my pillow, done with tonight and its messed up way of celebrating, and slam my head into the stuffing.
I’m tired, a little buzzed still just like Aurora, and trying my best to avoid the infamous booty call at four AM with a rockstar I know I’ll regret in the actual morning when I wake back up.