But in this moment, I don’t feel like the front man of a famous band.
I don’t feel like a rockstar.
No one would believe it’s me anyway, out in the open, dancing like a fiend on my girl.
I feel like a mortal man, in love, and drunk on possibilities.
Bodies mingle around us bopping and swaying just like we do, packing in closer the longer we take up prime space on the floor.
Lights flash around us, lasers shooting across the crowd and lighting up Aria’s grinning face.
I don’t even mind the brushes of skin that belong to someone else. The arms that tag me on accident as the music fuels the aura and creates a living breathing pulse inside the building.
Because I know it’s not about touching me to say they’ve touched me. It’s not about screaming my name, desperate for my attention.
It’s not about being Rex Thompson from As Above.
It’s about living in the moment and coming alive.
More alive than I feel when I’m on stage.
More in tune with my body and where it meets Aria’s fluid movements as the other patrons fade away from my focus.
I’m consumed by her.
How this dance with my girl makes me feel like a fucking man. A man that can love and be loved and not share a damn thing with the world out there.
Because the world is in my hands.My world.
Is this what euphoria feels like?
It’s just me and her. Together.
“Marry me.” I don’t stop moving when shocked eyes meet mine.
“What?!” I cup her face and place a tender kiss on her swollen lips.
“Marry me,” I repeat the words, less than a question, searching her starry gaze, our hips slowing to the beat of the song.
“You want … I …” Aria blinks rapidly, like the gears in her head are struggling to compute.
“I want to marry you, Aria.” My forehead meets hers. “Come on tour. Spend the rest of my life with me.”
“Rex,” She leans back, her body going rigid, her movements freezing. “I can’t do that.”
My brow furrows.
My heart seizes.
The bodies around us become all too overwhelming as we stop the pulse and stand against their sway.
Sweat from skin that isn’t Aria’s slimes against me and I recoil at the thought.
The scent of sex from others becomes overbearing. The lights overpowering. And our little bubble bursts.
People around us begin hopping, jumping to the tempo, someone nearly elbowing Aria in the face.
I push them away and gather her closer to my chest.