Page 125 of The Moment

Maybe he was the lesson after all.

“No one intends to be, I don’t think. It’s just how our culture portrays relationships.”He isn’t wrong about that either.“It’s considered normal. Look,” He rubs his scruffy chin with his palm in contemplation and looks over at me. “It’s not easy giving up your privacy, but there are ways to take it back. You just have to figure out what parts you’re ok with.”

I’m just not ready to be on the front page of the news for anything that doesn’t start and end with me.

I nod and return my gaze out the window.

I suppose he would know.

“Of all the bandmates I’ve met and knewofbefore … you’re the one I know the least about.” I catch his nod in the darkness of the car.

“Exactly my point, Aria. I do it on purpose.” His words sink into my chest and begin to settle my stomach. “I often hide in plain sight.”

“So you’re saying there’s a way to have my cake and eat it, too?”

Fin laughs, loud and sudden, catching me off guard.

Alright, I fucking jumped. Sue me.

“Not entirely.” He shrugs, swiping at his mouth. “You just trade off one for the other, then back again. That’s what I’m saying.”

“Oh.”Well that’s not what the fuck I wanted to hear.

I sink down in the seat and hug my arms around my torso, the seatbelt nearly choking me.

“It’s more like understanding that with Rex, the fucking front man, everything will be public at some point. You can just do things to buy some time. Or ...” His hand snags mine from my side and grips me when my breath rises and falls faster than it should. “Use it to your advantage.”

I scoff and snap my hand back from his grasp.

“No thank you.”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with using the shit to your advantage, Ms. Designer. Why the hell do you think Cedar tatted his fucking neck to begin with?”

My heart sinks, spine snaps straight.

A war breaks out inside my head, the urge to defend my best friend to this asshole against the thought that maybe he’s fucking right.

Did she know that someone would find out it was her and blow the fuck up?


“Fuck yes.” Fin returns on a hissing laugh. “She’s fucking cunning like that.”

“No way Cedar would use me. Or Rex like that.” He chuckles under his breath as I shake my head, tufts of hair falling from my bun and tickling my neck.

“Then you don’t know her all that well.”

I throw my hands up.

“Like you fucking know her at all. You’re just judging her based off of the shit broads you’ve known in the past.”

Fin makes a noise in his throat that suggests I know nothing about what I’m saying, but he can suck my balls.

No one is gonna talk about my best friend like that.

“What the fuck ever, Fin.”

He just shrugs, the movement odd coming from this massive and tatted guy instead of the much slenderer and less tatted Mac. Easing down an exit ramp, Fin takes the corner and heads into a town I don’t recognize.