I push his words aside and continue with the story. I’m hoping verbalizing it will bring some new ideas.

“So yesterday, she left before me, but when I left the shop, she was standing by the door, frightened. She said someone had left an, I miss you note on her car and she felt something was off. Like someone was following her.”

James's eyes don’t waver as he waits for me to finish before he speaks.

“I looked around, but nothing or no one seemed out of place.” I breathe out the frustration I feel.

“She’s not some freak, is she?”

I clench my hands on the steering wheel as I drive, causing my knuckles to turn white. “No.”

Why the fuck would he think that?

“And you say you’ve only met her twice?” James questions further.

“Yeah,” I say, confused by his comment.

“You seem invested in her.” He rubs his hand over his jaw.

My chest warms as I think of her, knowing there is something about her that has me under her thumb. But when he asks, my defensive mode turns on.

“So, anyway, as I was saying. I was trying to figure out what to do about this guy or girl who might have been following her. I looked around and then eventually walked her to her car and told her to text me when she got home.”

James’s brows lift. “You got her number?”

“Yeah, I wanted to make sure she was fine.”

“That’s all? You're not interested in her?”

I think for a second—do I answer this honestly or lie? He’s my buddy. If I can’t trust him, then I can’t trust anyone.

“Well, yes, I'm interested in her. But why, I don't know. I just…there's something about her, James.”

When silence lingers for a few minutes, I glance at him through the rearview mirror and witness his smirk. He’s enjoying every second of this.

“I did some research, but because I only know her first name, I'm unable to look her up.”

His smirk drops and he sits up. “Do you need any help from me? You know I have connections.”

“I would normally say no, but, James, I think…yes.”

He pulls out his phone and quickly types away on it before his eyes meet mine.

“I need to ask her first,” I say when I realize we might be breaching her privacy.

“You want to ask her?” he asks, confused.

“Yes. I feel like it's an invasion of privacy to look into her, her friends, exes and family. All behind her back. I know I wouldn't like it if it was done to me.”

He shakes his head. “If you say so.”

“I say so, James. I just…she seems the type that would want to be asked.” I pause before continuing. “I see her saying yes. But just to be sure, I want to ask. If she tells me to back off, I’ll respect her wishes. So yes, I would love to meet your connection and have a chat with them and try to figure out what's going on. I don't like a woman frightened and scared on the street.”

“Yeah, totally, no woman should feel like that. I'll send you the details in a text now.” He returns to his phone, and a second later, my phone chimes with a new text.

I park on the side of the road. “Well, we're here now, James.”

His head lifts to peer out the window before unbuckling.