“It’s better to be safe than sorry. And I want you safe.”

Those words wash over me, blanketing me in their warmth. Panic has rendered me speechless, so I don’t feel that tingling that I usually might at his words.

He grabs my hand and threads his fingers through mine. Our palms touch, and it feels oddly easy. I should be more freaked out that this guy I barely know is holding my hand, but I can’t even think, let alone walk straight, so holding his hand is keeping me from falling over. But I feel I can trust him. With my line of work, my gut is what I follow, so now shouldn’t be any different.

He walks in front of me to keep me sheltered behind him. I follow his steps, gripping his hand like a safety net.

He peeks over his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

I nod.

“I can’t find anything suspicious. Where’s your car?”

I hadn’t been paying any attention, but I look up and take my surroundings in and immediately recognize the street where I’d parked my car.

“Just over on the right.” I don’t want to disconnect our hands, so I nod toward the street where it is.

“This way?”

“Yeah, across the street. The silver one.”

I move so I’m beside him. It’s strange to walk with a guy, hand in hand, like a couple. I smile, thinking about telling my grandma when I get to her place. She’ll drill me with questions about him, and as soon as she gets a hint he is hot, she will want me to go on a date with him, or worse, meet him.

I’m not afraid anymore with him beside me. I just hope whoever it is doesn’t return.

What if the person comes back next week? Will he be there?

I can’t expect him to save me every time. I have to put my big girl panties on and protect myself. I’ve never been scared or vulnerable, and I think it’s derailing my sense of control. I don’t like being pushed into unfamiliar territory.

We cross the road, and as we approach my car, I know it’s time to untangle our hands. Even though I don’t want to. We stop beside the car and part our hands.

I cradle the saffron as I stare up into his dark gaze. “Thanks for doing this. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.”

“Anytime. I’m glad you were sensible and waited by the shop. It was the safest option. And I’m glad I left after you and you weren’t stuck there.” An unreadable expression flashes across his face, and I can’t imagine what he’s thinking, but if it’s anything like me…it’s what would’ve happened if he wasn’t there? Would I still be there waiting, terrified?

I shrug off the thought because I’m not there anymore. I’m here. Safe. Thanks to him.

I fetch my keys out of my bag and unlock the car door. He moves over and opens the door. I take my seat and carefully lay the flowers on the passenger seat and turn to face him with a smile. “Thanks again.”

He leans down, resting his chin on his hands on top of the doorframe. “I’ll see you next week?”

I can’t help but feel relieved knowing he will be there, but I need to figure out a way to protect myself. He can't be expected to be there every single time. I can’t ask that of him either.

“Definitely,” I say with a small, shy grin.

“Good. Now, before you go, can I grab your number? I want you to text me when you get to your destination. To make sure you're okay. You trust me now, right?”

The way my heart races for him, I don’t hesitate.

“Yes, I trust you.”

We exchange numbers before he closes the door with a wink. I bite my lip, hiding a stupidly happy smile. He walks off, and I watch his handsome frame move along the sidewalk before I drive off, already excited to see him next week.



I’m typing away on my work computer at White Empire, but my mind wanders off. I rub my freshly shaved chin as I realize I know nothing about her.