She appears sad for a moment. “I know, I just…worry about him too.”
“You don't know that,” I say, horrified she isn’t seeing the seriousness of the situation. There isn’t anything harmless about him. But I guess this is the person she is. Caring, compassionate, and kind. A way better person than me.
“True,” she mumbles.
She needs to stop thinking about today and go rest. “Go back inside with your parents and your grandma, and I’ll speak to you later.”
I kiss her on the cheek and leave her standing on the porch, smiling. I cannot wait for the date.
Ruby: How formal is this date? I don’t know how to dress. Should I wear jeans or a dress?
John: Whatever you feel comfortable in :)
Ruby: Ugh, that doesn’t help! Can you just tell me where we’re going?
John: Nope. Just worry about impressing me, and know that I’m already impressed.
Ruby: Aren’t you sweet? But thanks for not helping. I guess I’ll have to go back to trying on all my clothes and finding the ones I like…
John: You're welcome to send pics if you need help ;)
Ruby: For not helping me, you can see what I choose when you come to pick me up.
John: Cheeky. But if you change your mind, I’m happy to help. Otherwise, I’ll see you in an hour.
Ruby: Counting down the minutes.
John: So am I.
Knocking on her door mimics the thumping of my heart. Who would have thought you could be nervous to see someone you spoke to earlier in the day and saw only a week ago? But text messaging her every day has brought us closer. So close now, only a door stands between us. A gush of air leaves my lungs when she opens the door. She looks breathtaking.
Tension leaves me as soon as a smile erupts on her face and she says, “I’m glad I chose the dress.”
“Same. You look exquisite,” I say as I run my eyes over her tight-fitting black dress, which hugs her curves and makes me feel even more grateful she agreed to this date. Her heels add to her height too, bringing her eyes closer to mine, letting me barely tilt my head and be able to kiss her…cheek. Even if I want to kiss her lips, I don’t. Instead, I lean down and kiss her cheek and take a deep inhale of her perfume…or is it her shampoo? Her hair is down and curly, and I want to run my fingers through it. But that’s for another time or later if she wants to. But for right now, I take her hand and then we drive to the restaurant.
We step inside the dimly lit restaurant. I peer at her, and she’s beaming. I turn back and talk to the waitress who escorts us to our seats. The low jazz music playing through the speakers is soft and sets the mood. I’ve never been here because I haven’t wanted to take anyone here, but Ruby is special, and this place is exactly for these dates. We pass a large single chandelier in the center. And the mix of mirror and soft cream walls catches Ruby’s attention. We take our seats in old fashioned curved gray fabric chairs, and the waitress hands us a menu before pouring water and leaving us alone. I lean back in my chair, grinning at my date, who’s smiling back at me with equal enthusiasm.
“This place is beautiful. I never knew this existed,” she says, taking in every inch of the place.
“It is. I’ve never been here, but I’ve heard the best things.”
“You haven’t come here before?”
“No. There hasn’t been anyone in my life in years, which is why my parents are trying to marry me off,” I say with a chuckle, but her expression drops.
I wonder if she forgot about that. I wish I could, but it’s my life they are trying to control.
Thankfully, the waitress comes and asks us what we want to drink. Ruby scans the menu before choosing a wine, and I order the bottle for us to share.
“Do you think you’ll ever give in and marry who they choose?” she asks, and I wonder if this has been playing on her mind. Like, is she a toy in this? Am I going to have a date and walk back to marrying my parents’ choice? Hell no!
I shake my head. “Never. They actually don’t care who it is…well, within reason, but they want the image of me settled down and married with kids on the way.”
She blinks and takes a sip of her water.