CAMI STARTS TO REFILL my wine glass and I quickly cover it with my hand. Even though I don’t have to drive, I still have to work in the morning.
“Two during dinner and one during cards is plenty.”
“Some people have to get up and work in the morning,” Holden says as he tosses his cards down on the table. “I’m out.”
“Come on, bro. Putting on makeup and shopping all day is tiring.” Nick mimics Cami and matches her bet.
“It’s harder than you think.” Cami sticks her tongue out at her brothers and adds more poker chips to the pot in the middle.
“There’s the videos, too,” Holden adds.
“I fold.” I drop my cards and push back my chair. “I’m heading to the bathroom. Does anyone need anything from the kitchen while I’m up?”
“We’re good,” they echo each other.
The door to the study is cracked open and I can hear Logan and his dad talking. I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but when my name is mentioned, I still.
“It’s a nice thing you did for Reese, but at what cost to you, Logan? I don’t like to see you killing yourself like you’ve been these past few months.”
“I know. I just... after talking to Johnny at Holden’s wedding and seeing how pissed she was at her demotion at the bank, I owed it to her. Her former boss had said...”
Logan’s voice trails off like he’s walking to the other side of the room. I can’t make out his words anymore. My head grows heavy, and a pit hardens in my stomach. What has he done? Beads of sweat form above my lip and on my lower back.
“You know I don’t like to pry into your business and financial matters, but how is LP Financial holding up?” His father’s voice brings my attention back to the conversation.
“I’ll recover. I’m not worried about the money.”
“I know you’re not. So why are you doing this to yourself? If you love her, you’ll—”
“I didn’t say anything about love,” Logan snaps.
I cover my mouth and run into the bathroom. I brace myself against the sink and breath deep through my nose and out my mouth.
At what cost.
He owed me.
He doesn’t love me.
I didn’t realize I was in love with Logan until I heard him say he isn’t in love with me. My heart burns in my chest. Dropping to my knees, I curl into a ball and fight back tears. I’m not a crier. Especially over a guy.
This is all too new to me. Relationships. Love. Feelings. But there’s more going on than emotions. Logan is in this because he thinks he owes me something.
Laughter rings down the hall. I can’t deal with Logan right now. Climbing to my feet, I splash water on my face and wipe the mascara smudges from under my eyes. I do my business, wash my hands, then practice my fake smile in the mirror.
I won’t confront Logan tonight. He’s leaving for his flight in twenty minutes. I have all week to investigate what it is he thinks he owes me. The debt he’s paying. And then on Friday when he returns, I’ll confront him.
Hoping Logan won’t walk out of his father’s office the same time I leave the bathroom, I brace myself for the possibility and open the door. They’re still talking but I can’t bring myself to listen. I rush down the hall and pour myself another glass of wine in the kitchen, downing it before anyone sees me.
As soon as I sit down, Logan and his father come in.
“I hate to break up the party, but I need to catch my flight.” Logan stands behind me and rests his hands on my shoulders.
It takes all my willpower not to flinch.
“Party won’t be breaking up. I’ve finally been on a winning streak.” Nick lays down a full house, aces over jacks.