“Right. Sorry.” Holden clears his throat and turns serious again. “She evaded the conversation. Said Reese was going through some stuff and would figure it out.”
“What the hell is she going through that includes ghosting me all week and then quitting?”
“Sorry, man. I’ll see if I can get anything out of Em.”
“I don’t mean to put you in the middle, but if you hear anything, let me know, okay?”
“Definitely.” When we reach the shop, I leap out of the truck. Holden tosses me the keys to the Jeep, and seconds later, I peel out of the dirt parking lot.
I speed to her house and am not surprised to see an empty driveway. Even so, I jump out of the Jeep and pound on the door. “Reese. If you’re home, open up. We need to talk.” I wait a minute and knock again.
There are no sounds and no lights on inside. She could be inside hiding. From me. Why the hell is she hiding from me? I go from confused to worried to enraged. Reese prides herself on being open and honest. For speaking up for what she believes in and wants. If I’m not what she wants anymore the least she could do is tell me.
I storm back to the Jeep and try calling her again.
“Reese. Pick up.” I hang up and text her.
Logan: Where are you?
I don’t expect a reply and put the Jeep in reverse steering it toward Johnny’s house. Her car isn’t there either, but Mariah’s is. This is unchartered territory. Talking to a girlfriend’s father after she dumps me. If in fact Reese did dump me. Resigning from the company is pretty much the same thing.
The four missed calls and three texts are all work related. Nothing from Reese. I pocket my phone and make my way to the front door, dread and reluctance slowing me down.
Mariah answers the door on the second knock.
“Logan. What a welcome surprise.” She peers around me as if looking to see if Reese is with me.
“Hi, Mariah. Is Johnny available?”
What I’ll ask him, I have no idea. I feel like a fool.
“Sure. Come on in.” She ushers me into the living room where Johnny sits in a recliner, a book in his lap.
“Don’t get up,” I say when Johnny shuffles his feet. “I apologize for dropping in unannounced.”
“No apology necessary. You’re welcome any time. Have a seat.”
“Can I get you something to drink? A cup of coffee?” Mariah asks.
I should be dead on my feet between not sleeping on the plane and leaving my untouched coffee on my desk back in the office. But I don’t plan on staying for too long. Not if Reese isn’t here.
“No, thank you.”
“I’ll leave you two to talk.” She squeezes Johnny’s shoulders and disappears around the corner. Her leaving us for a private talk means she has more information than I do.
“I’m sorry for causing any trouble between you two.”
“What?” I snap my head up. “What do you have to do with this?”
Johnny’s brows pinch. “She didn’t tell you?”
“I haven’t talked to her all week. The only communication she’s had with me is a resignation letter on my desk.”
Johnny’s eyebrows shoot up. “She’s a stubborn one. I had a feeling something like this would happen.”
“Something like what? And why?”
He leans forward and rests his elbows on his legs. “Remember our conversation at Emerson and Holden’s wedding?”