Page 46 of Keeping Our Secrets

“I’ve known him since high school and since you’re his new sister, I’m sure he would want us to be close.”


“I don’t know how much Liam told you about me and him.”

“He told me everything.”

“He did?” She took a sip of her coffee, then placed the cup back on the table, but held it between her hands as if she was trying to keep them warm. Then she tilted her head and continued, “So he told you we’ve been sleeping together?”

My response felt lodged in my throat.

She nodded. “Well, we are. So, I hope you’re not falling for him.” She sighed. “Oh honey, you are, aren’t you?” she suggested. “I can see it on your face.”

I didn’t answer.

“Awe… I don’t want to see you hurt. He doesn’t really love you, you know.”

Tears rolled down my cheek. “He told me he did.”

Why was I answering her?

“That’s cause you’re always around and you’ve trapped him.”

“I didn’t trap him,” I argued.

“Sweety, you and I both know that’s not true. In fact, the other night when we were together, he told me he feels sorry for you.”

“What night?”


The night he told me he was hanging out with Rick and Darren, he was with her?

“I don’t need to listen to this anymore,” I replied as I got up from the table. “I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I actually thought you wanted to be friends.” I pushed the chair back under the table. “Now all I see is a jealous woman trying to convince me to let go of my man.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” she responded. “He was never yours to begin with. Not before Paris, during Paris, or after Paris.”

Not wanting to say anymore, I turned and walked out of the café. I walked up the street and turned toward the grassy area on top of the mall.

I needed some air.

There were a couple of empty benches, so I sat on the one with the best view. I sat and people watched for a while. About thirty minutes had passed when I spotted Miranda walking out of the other entrance of the mall.

The only thing I hadn’t expected was the person who got out of the vehicle that pulled up to the door.

Liam was here.

He walked up to her, said something, and then suddenly they were kissing.

As my heart lay shattered in the grass beneath my feet, I realized in that moment just how foolish I had been. Why would I ever believe he wanted to be with me when he could have someone like her.

Cause in that exact moment I knew: she hadn’t lied.

I got in the next taxi I flagged down and after I called my dad, I rode the rest of the way in a foggy haze. The only thing I knew was that I couldn’t be there when he came home. I’d never be able to handle watching him be with her. Thankfully the ride took only thirty minutes to get there and with luck I would be gone before he came home.

Once I got home, I was upstairs and had a bag packed within minutes of getting there. Mom tried to reason with me before I went up the stairs, but I didn’t want to listen. As relentless as she could be, she hadn’t followed me. So it didn’t surprise me when she was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.

“Sweetheart, I wish you’d tell me what’s wrong,” she pleaded. “You know you can talk to me.”