Page 53 of Drown in You

He follows the command easily, his gaze meeting mine. The poor man looks exhausted. His cheek has some dried cum on it, and there’s a blue-purple bruise wrapped around his left temple and eyebrow. I fight a sigh, not wanting him to think I’m displeased with him. “Are you currently serving someone?”

“No, Master Benny. I’m available for you if you’d like.”

I definitely would not like.

“I’m quite busy at the moment. You know what I would like, though? I’d like you to go get some rest. If anyone asks, say it’s my orders, yes? You need to be rested for the party. You’ll be the star slave. You’re our best one after all, aren’t you?”

His cheeks flush. “I - I try very hard, Master.”

“I know you do.” I press a kiss to his forehead, knowing Nolan thrives on praise and affection. “Good boy. Go on, now. Go rest.”

I stand up and watch as he crawls along the floor toward the slave’s quarters, wincing when I see the angry red whip marks across his back. I wait until he’s safely tucked away from any men who might be wandering around at the moment looking for a slave to use before continuing to Travis's office. I make it maybe ten feet before a new problem arises, steering me off track yet again.

I’m so fucking done with this job.

I’m nearly dead on my feet by the time I get the chance to stop by Travis’s office, my stomach grumbling since I missed dinner dealing with yet another idiot. I just need to ask him to check on Casey before he goes to bed and grab the finalized guest list for the party so I can look over it and make sure everything is sorted. The last thing we need is a war breaking out between champagne toasts and the fireworks Travis insisted on having for who fucking knows what reason - just another thing he asked me to do like it’s no big deal.

Doesn’t he know how hard it is to have fucking fireworks when you have a place full of sex slaves? You need permits and shit. Extra security around the perimeter to keep curious strangers from coming to enjoy the show. The local police need to be warned ahead of time so they can see you have the proper permits and don’t show up to investigate. It’s a fucking nightmare.

Since when does he even like fireworks?

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself before I storm into the office and chew him out. It’s not that he’s a self-centered dickhead. If he had even half of an idea about everything that I do for him and the operation, he’d insist on helping out. But that’s not his job. He’s the face. I’m the background.

I knock in warning on the office door in case Travis and Carter are in there doing whatever the hell they’re up to these days before letting myself into the room. He’s relaxed back in his chair, smirking at me. “Why bother knocking if you always just barge right in?”

I smirk back. “Because I’m an impatient bastard.”

“If anyone else walked in like you, I’d have their head.”

“Aw, I’m special then? I’m flattered.” I peek over the edge of the desk, looking to see if Carter is tucked between his knees. “No Carter?”

“I gave him the day in my room since I’ve had so much shit to do for the party.”

“Speaking of - I need that guest list. I want to make sure everyone is still on good terms with each other. And to double check that Vasco doesn’t have any issues with anyone coming. I want him in the best mood possible.”

He nods slowly. “I know. I’m thinking of offering him Nolan for the evening, since he’s our best. I don’t think Vasco has his own slave, does he?”

“Intel says he doesn’t.” I sigh, hating the very idea of us giving men one of our slaves. It’s already bad enough we own them and keep them in the house for our men to fuck and hurt whenever they please. Loaning them out adds an extra layer of filth that I hate. But Vasco is the key to everything. If we can sway him to our side, we’ll have the final piece to our puzzle. We’ll be able to end this fucking operation once and for all, taking the entire network down with us. “Ask him what he wants first. If he’s looking for a good boy, give him Nolan. If he wants someone to hurt all evening, give him someone else. You know how Nolan is. It’ll kill him.”

Travis leans his head back, closing his eyes. “This is going to be over soon, right, Jake?”

“Right.” Between the use of my real name and the anguish on his face, I can tell he needs reassurance. That’s why I lean forward and reiterate. “Right, Travis. We’re almost done.”

“Thank fuck.”

“Listen, I know you’re struggling with Carter and the two of you are trying to figure it out or whatever, but can you do me a favor tonight?”

He opens his eyes without lifting his head, his brown eyes tired as they settle on me. “You want me to check in on Casey for you?”

I smile. “Please? I have a meeting with security, and then a few other things after to handle. It’ll be a late one.”

“No problem. How’s he doing?”

“Good, all things considered. I gave him a bath last night and he got a good night’s sleep. I fed him oatmeal and juice earlier and he seemed to handle that fine. He’s pretty coherent now with the fever gone.” I shake my head. “But he’s struggling mentally.”

Travis nods slowly. “That’s expected. Anything in particular?”

“Well.” I rub a hand down my face, huffing a laugh into my palm. “He asked me why I haven’t fucked him.”