Page 234 of Drown in You

“Need you.” He makes grabby hands, his bottom lip curling into a pout. The sight does something beautifully terrible to me. If I wasn’t already gone for him, I would be now. “Closer. Please?”

I part his legs and lay down between them, bringing our stomachs together. “You never have to beg for that, little one. Daddy will always give you what you need.”

His pout grows. “I needed your cock earlier and you teased me.”

“You didn’t need it. You wanted it.” I wink at him, loving the playfulness between us even as he whimpers under his breath and squirms on my cock. “Daddy made you wait until you needed it. My pouty little boy.” I reach up, tugging at his pouty lip with my thumb before slipping it inside. He sucks on it, moaning like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.

Letting my thumb slip from his mouth, I run my tongue along his jaw and down the side of his throat, then place a kiss onto the stretch of skin between his neck and shoulder. “If we were werewolves, I’d bite you right here. Make you all mine forever.”

“Do it,” he breathes, his arms coming to wrap around me like he’s strong enough to keep me there. “Not sure I’ll ever want your fist, but I want that - I want forever. Please, daddy?”

“We already have forever, baby boy.” I lift my head, brushing my lips against his in a barely-there kiss. A promise for more. A promise for years and years of more. Forever. “How can daddy make you believe that?”

“I believe it,” he says easily, his arms tightening even more. “You promised, and you always keep those.”

My chest warms.

“Yeah, baby boy.” I pull my cock back as far as I can with his hold on me, bringing my lips to his neck where I know he’s most sensitive. “I always keep those.”

There’s no more talking after that. There’s no need to. We collapse into a quiet punctuated by sweat-slick skin and panting breaths and drawn-out moans. When he finally shatters, I fall right with him, the two of us chasing our pleasure together.

He crashes before I've even gone soft inside him, fast asleep with his arms strewn out and his hair a mess on the pillow. I let myself stay a moment longer than I usually would, appreciating the sight before me. The boy I love. Safe. Sated. Happy.

I make a promise to myself then – I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him that way for the rest of our lives.

And I always fucking keep my promises.

After two sessions with Dr. Singh, drawing his best attempt at a layout of the DuGray compound, endless fretting from Nolan and Carter, and answering questions about everything from nightly habits to security measures, Casey is stepping onto a plane behind me. Maison and Travis are already settled in their seats, ready for takeoff. They still look wary about him coming - I had to promise that I'd bring him inside after the initial infiltration - but each man offers him an encouraging smile as he passes by.

He’s a bundle of nerves for the first two hours of the flight. I watch him alternate between pacing the aisle, peering through the windows, and staring at the book I suggested he bring without ever turning a page. On hour three, he finally collapses in the seat across from mine. He lasts a few seconds before he’s bouncing his leg so fast it blurs.

“It’s not too late,” I tell him, keeping my voice even so I don’t give away how badly I want him to change his mind. “You can stay on the plane while we work. If anything goes wrong, the pilot knows to bring you back. And he’s armed. Trained. He’s one of us. He’d keep you safe.”

Casey settles an impressive glare on me. “I’m coming with.”


“I just wish we were there already.” He glances out the window that’s right between us, leg still bouncing frantically. “What’s the plan again?”

Despite having reviewed it half a dozen times with him already, I start again. “Between what you’ve told us, what I saw during my time there, and the guy we have on the ground doing surveillance, we’ve determined there are three guards outside the house. One in the front, one in the back, and one in a post built into a tree tall enough to look over the whole grounds and surrounding area. Our man on the ground - Keats, I don’t know if you’ve met him yet, but we’ve talked about him before, he’s really fucking good at what he does - has determined that there are at least 4 men working inside, but we could be looking at up to 10. The inside guards rotate every 12 hours. The outside guards rotate every 6. The guards that cover the front and the back meet by the side of the house once or twice per shift to sneak a cigarette together and talk shit about life.”

“And that’s when we’ll get them?” he asks, his voice just a touch too high for how casual he’s pretending to be.

“Yes. Keats has a perfect vantage point to get the man in the tree - a man who can’t be seen from any direction on the ground. He’ll use a sniper with a suppressor to hit him. The stand he’s in is large enough where he won’t fall out and hit the ground. The house is more than 600 meters away from his post, so no one will hear the shot. Once he’s handled and can’t warn the others, we’ll enter the grounds. When they finish smoking and come back around the sides to their posts, we’ll be waiting around the corners. Travis at the front. Maison in the back. While they’re doing this, I’ll be working with Ace over comms to disable the security system. Ace says it’s a good one, but not the best. It’ll be relatively easy to hack. The system will never know we were there, and DuGray will never know there was a problem.”

He turns his gaze to the window, his fingers working across his bottom lip, fiddling with it. “And then?”

This is the part of the plan that he hates. The part I know he wishes would change. But it can’t change. In this line of work, you can only plan so much. The rest is instinct and skill. “And then we see what we come across. We’ll try to take everyone down silently, avoiding guns when possible. Whoever finds DuGray will take him down but keep him alive. We’ll bind and gag him, then give him a low dose drug that will make him feel weak and out of it for an hour or so.”

“And then… me.”

“Yes. Once the house has been cleared, they’ll go back to DuGray and get him ready while I come and get you.”

He switches the bouncing from his right leg to his left, his arms wrapping around his midsection. He still won’t look at me. “Okay.”

“And then the plan is yours.”

“Right. Yeah. I know.”