Page 156 of Drown in You

“I suppose so.” I swallow, suddenly nervous despite how lovely that sounds. It’s just… "I have… questions."

He hums beneath his breath. "I had hoped you would. Questions are healthy. Hit me with them."

"So, like, Nolan overheard Carter talking about daddy kink and then he and Bryce sort of weighed in on the topic and Bryce said he thought that was when the bottom acts like a baby and wears diapers and uses pacifiers and stuff? Is that true?"

"Like I said before, daddy kink means something different to everyone. There are many daddies who have little boys that like to do things like that. Others have little boys who aren't quite so little, like they enjoy coloring books or hot wheels and they like sippy cups or little divided plates. Some daddies have little boys who are more like teenagers with video games and superhero movies. Some daddies have little boys who aren't little at all. They're daddy's little boy, but they're really only acting submissive, not little." He pauses, but I can tell he wants to say more, so I wait for him to collect his thoughts. "And it's hard to define a little boy - or girl, or nonbinary person, for that matter. Some identify strictly with a certain age or group of behaviors. Others depend on what mood they're in. I follow one particular blog where the submissive feels little when he has a bad day or after he has an intense scene with his daddy, but otherwise he feels like an adult. And his definition of being little is really just extra cuddling and carrying around his stuffed elephant and letting his daddy do simple things for him like make him his food and give him a bath and read him a book."

Me, I can't help but think. That sounds like it could be me.

"So, it depends on the people and what they want."


"And it's not always sexual, right? Because earlier you said I could say no to sex stuff but not no to you taking care of me."

"That's how I want us to be. But there are some boys out there who only want a daddy for sex. Outside of the bedroom, they want to be treated like an equal and not doted on. On the flipside, some couples don't engage in sex at all when the submissive is in a little mindset. It's really an extremely broad spectrum."

I consider this, studying the way the bubbles crackle and pop in the water. How little am I going to be? Do I want to have sex when I'm like that? When do I want to be treated like an equal?

Is it even up to me?

"What kind of dynamic do you want us to have?" I ask.

"What would you like?" he counters.

I turn my head around to glare at him. He just smiles, which is infuriating, and also a little sexy. "I asked you first."

He chuckles. "Okay. If I'm being honest, I think I've already met the little boy in you. At least, I've gotten a few peeks at him."

I frown in confusion. "What? When?"

"When we watched movies together. When I give you baths. When you get in a silly mood in the pool and start splashing around. When you get nervous and start squirming and mumbling and blushing. When you cuddle up with David." His smile softens, his eyes doing the same. He's suddenly looking at me like I'm… special. It makes me feel all gooey inside. It also scares me a little. What if he realizes I'm not special at all? What happens then? "I don't think we need to label you or give you an age or decide when you'll be little and when you won't be. I think we should just let you do what feels good and I'll react accordingly. Because as much as I'm going to fucking love being your daddy? I'm going to love watching you come into yourself and become the happiest boy you can be even more."

I flush, ducking my chin. I get what he meant before. I'm definitely feeling all squirmy now. And I definitely mumble when I ask, "But what if what I want isn't what you want?"

"Oh, Casey," he says with a soft laugh. He takes my chin, gently tugging until I can see him shaking his head. His blue eyes are impossibly bright. "I'll take you any way you'll let me. I don't want a boy. I want you to be my boy. You're my dream. Which means any type of boy you end up being will be my dream come true."

I stare at him, not sure how to believe that. Not sure if I'm brave enough to.

But… "You promise?" I ask, my voice a terrible tremble.

"I promise, little fish."

And he doesn't break those.

I feel boneless by the time Jake is finished drying me off and lotioning every inch of me on his bed. My eyes are barely open as he arranges me so I'm more comfortable, my head on the pillow, my body curled onto its side so we're facing each other. He chuckles fondly as he brushes a strand of damp hair off my forehead. "Sleepy?"

"Sorta." I wiggle until I'm closer to him, my half-hard cock pressing against his thigh. "Sorta not."

He smiles. "It's like that, is it? Do you need daddy to take care of you?"

I shiver. God, I could definitely get used to that. "Yes, please."

His eyes darken, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip. "Yes please, what?"

It takes me a moment to figure out what he wants. When I do, my face burns and my cock fully hardens. "Yes please, daddy," I whisper.

"Good boy." He cups the back of my head, pulling me into a gentle-sweet kiss that makes my skin buzz and my head swirl. I whimper, pushing forward to deepen our connection. His hand slides down to the back of my neck and squeezes to stop me. He murmurs, “Patience,” before taking my mouth again.