Page 91 of Drown in You


I jolt awake to the feeling of my back spasming. I grunt, bringing a hand to the muscle that's currently throwing a fit. The bed beneath me creaks like plastic. And it smells like fucking chlorine.

Because it's not a bed.

I blink quickly, my surroundings coming into focus as I recall where I am. I'm on one of the lounge chairs beside the safehouse pool. I must have fallen asleep there, lulled into dreams by the soft sound of Casey's body working through the water. No wonder my back is fucking killing me. I'm too old for this shit.

Wait - Casey.

I push up into a sitting position, heart racing as I search for him. My body calms when I see the boy is still in the pool. Instead of swimming like earlier, he's now floating on his back, his body sprawled out like he's about to make water-angels. He’s so completely still that I would worry if it wasn't for the steady rise and fall of the boy's chest.

"Still at it, huh?" I call, my voice echoing through the large room.

Casey doesn't startle. Maybe because he heard me moving around, or maybe because he's just too damn calm and happy right now.

"I could live here forever," he calls back. I can't see his face, but I can hear the smile in his voice. "Forward my mail. Feel free to visit anytime."

I grin, my body feeling warm and light. Carter had mentioned before that Casey had a sense of humor when they met in the pre-auction cage. This must be it.

I hate that I have to be the one to end the fun, already promising myself that I'll make sure he comes back as soon as he can. "As much as I'd love to let you move into the pool, you're running on no sleep for over 24 hours. I need you to rest for a while."

The boy straightens, frowning over at me. "But… then I can come back?"


"What about you? Will you rest with me too?"

I glance at my watch, wincing. "I'm actually due for guard duty in 10 minutes. But I'll get some sleep later, don't worry about me."

Casey’s frown deepens. “Can I come?"

"To guard duty?"


Now I take a turn frowning. "You really need some sleep, Case."

"We can sleep after."


The single word settles something in me. Something I hadn't even realized was unsettled. It makes me weak, my resolve deteriorating. "Alright, you can come. But there's a couch in the office and you're napping on it. Deal?"

Casey's lips twitch into an almost-smile. "Deal."

I sigh, mostly just to make myself feel better about caving, and head to the stock closet to grab the boy a towel. I meet him at the stairs, trying extremely hard not to stare at his mostly naked body dripping with water. It's much harder than it was back at the compound. Like Casey is a different person now.

Because he's free.

I can't decide if that freedom makes it okay to look or makes it worse than ever. To be safe, I avert my gaze. But I'm weak. Really fucking weak. So, when Casey steps into the towel, I don't just drape it over his shoulders and let go. Instead, I move closer and begin working the fluffy material over his damp skin, letting myself take my time drying him like I'm his daddy. If Ace bitches at me for being late, it'll be well worth it.

"You like taking care of people," Casey says after I've moved on from his body to his hair.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I work his messy dark blonde locks with the towel, drying them chunk by chunk. I want to tell Casey that it's not just people I like to take care of. It's boys like him. Or, these days, just him. But that would lead down a dangerous path of desire and daddy kink, and I don't think Casey will be ready for that road any time soon. Or ever, as much as it kills me to admit.

I settle with saying, "I definitely like taking care of you," figuring it's close enough to the truth, but far enough away to still be safe. Then I wrap Casey in the towel again and gesture to the changing room. "Go get dressed. Then we'll go."

Casey hesitates for just a moment, but then leaves. I pull out my phone, surprised I don't have any calls from Ace yet. I'm 6 minutes late. I shoot him a text explaining I'm with a survivor and on my way. Ace texts back a minute later warning me to avoid the kitchen. Maison is currently in there handling a "delicate situation".