Page 8 of Drown in You

I wave my hand. “Like I said before, he’s the spitting image of someone from my past. Someone I can’t hurt the way I’ll be able to hurt him. Call it therapy.”

“Fair enough. Well, the doctor will be able to tell you more, but for now just know that his panel came back free of all sexually transmitted diseases. You’re more than welcome to fuck him, if you’d like to test him out. It’ll be painful for him, but he’ll survive it.” He chuckles. “Honestly, if you walk in there and offer him so much as a smile, he’ll be ready to worship at your feet. This past week has been hell for him and I’ve been making it worse by ignoring him completely. He’ll offer up his ass on a silver fucking platter, pain be damned, if you give him attention. He’s desperate to be a good boy.”

There’s truth to that. A dangerous truth. I’ll have to be careful of how far this boy’s mind has slipped away if I want to be able to truly save him. I can’t let him attach himself from one master to the next. I’m not entirely sure how I’ll manage that, but I’ll figure it out.

The doctor is waiting outside the door I assume leads to the private room Casey is in. He shakes my hand, smiling like there’s nothing wrong with any of this. “Would you like to meet your slave or get an update first?”

“An update, please.”

“He isn’t particularly coherent today. The fever he’s struggling to break through is causing some neurological symptoms. He’s negative for anything sexually transmitted, but he does have a few gashes that have become infected. I’ve given him IV antibiotics and dressed the wounds. Between the antibiotics and the hydration, he should break the fever very soon. Once that’s taken care of, the boy should be fine.”


I nearly scoff. This boy will never be fine again.

“You mentioned neurological symptoms?”

“Hallucinations. Incoherent dialogue. Confusion. When his fever was at its highest, he didn’t seem to hear us speaking to him, and his eyes wouldn’t focus, but that stopped this morning.”

I keep my breathing even, my voice curious but unemotional. “Has he had any seizures?”

“None that we witnessed.”

For fuck’s sake.

“We cleaned him out and tended to his hole,” the doctor says proudly. “He’s ready to be fucked, if you’d like to break him in.”

“You can fuck him once before paying,” DuGray adds. “I’ll give you privacy. Unless you like an audience, then I’m more than happy to stay and enjoy the show.”

Over my dead fucking body.

“I appreciate the offer, but I’d prefer him to be fully coherent the first time I take him. I want him to understand who he belongs to now. To understand that he’s being claimed.”

DuGray nods, not at all bothered by that. God, he didn't give two fucks about this boy, did he? He’s probably already picked out his replacement.

"Well, then.” DuGray motions to the door, the doctor stepping to the side so I have access to it. "Shall I introduce you to your new slave?”

Chapter Three


Why am I not dead yet?

Everything itches. Burns. Aches. Hurts, hurts, hurts.

I lie perfectly still in the hard bed - I’ve recently discovered that it’s a modified hospital bed, with a mattress that’s apparently made of fucking bricks - and let my surroundings sink in. It doesn’t take as long as it has been this time, my brain feeling slightly less fuzzy.

There’s still a blanket draped over my naked body. The same one that’s always been on me from what I can tell. Scratchy and too thin, but still fucking amazing. I wanted to thank Master for it, but he's been ignoring me. It hurts worse than the physical pain.

The tube they forced down my throat at some point is still there too, one of those things I’ve seen in hospital shows when me and my dad used to binge them together. They were our guilty pleasure, always watching them when he got home from work. A ventilator - that’s what it’s called. And people always hated them in the shows. Choked on them. Fought them. I understand why now. It’s fucking torture - and that’s saying something coming from someone who has experienced quite a lot of torture recently.

I tried to beg the doctor to take it out when he first put it in, but all I’m able to do with it is whine and grunt. I think he understood what I wanted though. He had just laughed at me.

It makes my throat ache. I’m so unbelievably thirsty. My dry lips are cracking and bleeding where they wrap around the tube. Worst of all, it keeps me from being able to breathe on my own. Sometimes I go to take a breath because it feels like I need one, and the machine just… doesn’t let me. The first time it did that, I panicked. I tried yanking it out. They cuffed me to the bed and put something in my IV that burned and burned and burned. The drug eventually ran out, but the cuffs haven’t gone away, and neither has the ventilator.

If I could talk, I’d beg them to let me go back to the dungeon. I’d do anything - the crawling game, the gangrapes, the sleep deprivation - if it meant I could just fucking breathe.

I wince when I feel fresh tears fall down my cheeks. They’ll dry soon, and then my face will feel tight and itchy.