Page 57 of One Last Time

The club is loud and full of flashing lights. Carter’s legs shake as he tells the bouncer he’s here for the special event, giving the code word from the Facebook group - bunny. The bouncer’s expression doesn’t even change, the man just nodding as he stamps the back of Carter’s hand. “When you walk in, go down the hall to your left.”

“Th-thank you.”

The music fades a little as he makes his way further down the hall. There are a few different doors, and his heart pounds as he realizes he has no idea which to go in. The bouncer said nothing about a door!

Voices come up behind him soon enough. He flinches, pressing against the wall to move out of the way. The voices go quiet just as he senses their presence behind him. Carter stares at the blank gray wall like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen.

“You here for the play party?” someone asks.

Carter swallows a groan and forces himself to turn and face the person who spoke. It's actually two men, both grinning at him in a friendly way. One is much taller and more muscular than the other. Interestingly enough, he’s the one in the collar, the shorter, slighter man of the two holding the end of a leash connected to it.

A phantom weight settles around Carter’s throat.

Would he like a collar, if it was his choice to have one? Would he like that sense of belonging? That reminder that Travis owns him? That Travis will take care of him, always?

Or maybe not Travis, Carter reminds himself a little angrily. Maybe you’d like it with someone else.

“Excuse me?” the man holding the leash says. “Are you looking for the play party?”

“Y-yeah. Yes. That’s what I’m doing.”

The guy looks down at the stamp on Carter’s hand, then nods. “I’m Wells. This is my pet. You are…?”

“I’m Carter.” Carter tugs at his mesh shirt, wishing it covered much more of his body than it does. “Um. I’m - I’m new. Obviously. New to the area, and new to… this.”

“He’s adorable, isn’t he, pet?” Wells asks.

His pet smiles. “Very, Master.”

“My pet here was new last year. Our community here is small, but really great. I took him under my wing. When I realized he was perfect, I asked him if I could keep him.” Wells beams at the man at the end of his leash, looking at him like he hung the fucking moon. The man - his pet - is looking at him the same exact way.

When they finally look away from each other, Wells asks, “Would you mind sharing with me what labels you most identify with? In the community, I mean.”

“Oh. Um. Gay?” Carter shuffles his feet, really wishing he’d just stayed home with Casey. Or at least brought Casey with him. “And… submissive? I guess? And - uh - a bottom.”

His pet bounces on his toes a little before leaning down and whispering in his Master’s ear. Wells grins, his eyes sweeping over Carter as he listens. Then he nods. “You’re right, pet. Carter - we have the perfect man we’d like to introduce you to.”

Carter follows dumbly, his heart pounding harder and faster with every step he takes.

The man they introduce him to is handsome. Tall and lean, wearing black slacks and a black button down with the top few buttons open and the sleeves rolled up. He’s wearing an expensive looking watch. Carter stares at it for a long time, thinking of another man, another place, another time.

“Carter?” Wells prompts.

Carter jumps, lifting his gaze to Wells, then the man. He winces when he realizes they’re all staring at him. Waiting for him. “I’m so sorry. Can you repeat that, please?”

“Mmm, polite.” The man tilts his head, clearly assessing him. “I like that.”

“I was just saying that this is my friend Hunter. He’s an excellent dom. Well respected in our community.”

“And then I was saying that he’s a kiss ass who is hoping I let him win a few rounds of poker next time we all get together for a game, and I told you I’d be happy to speak with you for a bit if you want. Maybe get you a drink?”

“And then you stared at his watch like he was about to kill you with it or something,” Wells’s pet says.

Wells tugs on the man’s leash and scowls. “Pet, that was rude.”

The man - pet’s - cheeks go red and he shuffles his feet like a naughty kid. “Sorry, Master.”

“Am I who you were rude to?”