Page 105 of One Last Time

“S-sir,” he whispers, pushing up on his hands so he can look over his shoulder at Travis. His cheeks are soaked, his blue eyes making more tears by the second. His arms shake like crazy. Travis doubts they’ll last more than a minute or two before giving out. “Are - are you gonna t-touch me?”

Travis tilts his head, feigning confusion. He presses his fingers harder against Carter’s prostate and sack. “I am touching you, sweetheart.”

“My cock, sir,” he says, not an ounce of embarrassment left in the desperate boy. “I need you to - to touch my cock.”

“No,” Travis says, still acting confused. He even wrinkles his eyebrows and frowns. “You can come untouched. I’ve seen it.”

Carter whimpers. “But - but sir-”


“You’re - you’re going too slow for that. It’s n-not the same.”

“Because I’m milking you, sweetheart.” Travis gives in then, flashing his boy a sadistic grin. “I’m not trying to give you an orgasm. Just trying to empty you out.”

Carter’s reaction is beautiful - eyes widening, breath catching, cheeks going pink, arms nearly giving out. When he speaks, his voice crackles and shakes, and fresh tears roll down his cheeks. “Sir, I - I don’t want to be milked. I want to come.”

“Did I ask what you want?”

“N-no, but-”

“Isn’t this still part of your punishment?”

“But - but you-”

“Are you arguing with me?”

Stuttered, desperate words finally stop pouring out of Carter then. He stares at Travis for a few more seconds before releasing a shaky breath and slowly relaxing back into the mattress. “You’ll… forgive me after this, sir?”

Something wraps tight around Travis’s chest, making it a little hard to breathe. He can’t stop himself from gently stroking the boy’s hip with his thumb. “My sweet, good boy. Of course I will.”

“P-promise?” he asks, his voice shaking like he’s going to start crying again. Not the good kind of tears this time, either.


Shit, shit, shit.

Being a dom is part-instinct, part-dramatic-effect.

Instinct tells him that he’s about to take this too far. His boy can’t handle much more.

“Do you know how proud of you I am?” he asks as he moves forward, his hands gripping the boy’s hips and helping him until his head is on the pillows and his body is spread out. Carter looks warily over his shoulder at him and shakes his head. “So fucking proud. You’re the best boy. So good, I already forgave you. Now sir is just being mean.”

His boy sniffles, still looking unsure. “Th-that’s okay, sir. You’re allowed t-to be mean.”

“Oh, I know.” He flashes him a mischievous grin. “But now I think maybe I’ll be nice. Do you want sir to be nice, sweetheart?”

Carter nods hard. “Yes, sir. Please…”

“Then lay down and relax, and come whenever you’re ready.”

The boy doesn’t have to be told twice. He collapses, a dreamy little sigh falling from his lips. His ass perks up, a request, and Travis chuckles as he accepts it.

His cock is hard again, apparently unable to get enough of this boy, so he slides it back in nice and slow and reaches around to wrap his hand around Carter’s cock.

“Oooh, sir,” he whispers, his body shuddering in the best way. “Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank-” and then his body goes still and his ass clenches around Travis’s cock, and he spills all over Travis’s hand and the sheets.

Travis rubs his cock through his orgasm, whispering things like, “You’re so perfect,” and, “Such a good boy,” all while pressing soft kisses to every available inch of his sweaty skin. He tucks his face in the crook of the boy’s neck and breathes him in as the boy falls asleep and goes slack in his arms.