Page 106 of One Last Time

He rolls them onto their sides and closes his eyes, deciding it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they snooze for a bit before Travis cleans them up and properly tucks them in for the night.

His hard cock stays snug inside the boy’s ass as he drifts off, not in a hurry to find relief. Not when the rest of him is fucking drowning in the emotion.

Now if he could just figure out how to keep Carter safe from the fuckers searching for him, he'd really be relieved. Maybe Carter would let him move in? Travis could stay in Casey's old room while they work on building their relationship. Or he could get a place nearby, at least? Or maybe, if he caught the boy in the right mood, Carter would be willing to let them put a tracker in his body?

Travis shouldn't have killed Quinton after finding out about Elliot. He should have asked who exactly is looking for Carter. That way Travis could have taken those players out and gotten rid of the threat altogether. Maybe Ronan would know? Or at least be able to find out if Travis asked him to nose around?

"You're thinking too loud," Carter mumbles. He lifts Travis's hand off his chest and presses a kiss to each of his knuckles. "Whatever you're worrying about, stop."

"I have to keep you safe."

"I'm right here, baby. I'm fine."


Travis nearly melts. The only thing that stops him is the fear lingering in his chest. "I don't think Quinton was lying. People are looking for you, sweetheart."

"They won't find me. I'm in the middle of nowhere."

"You can't be certain of that…"

Carter sighs before pulling away and turning to look at him. Travis isn't sure what's worse - losing the warmth of his hole around his cock, or seeing the worry in Carter's eyes. "What are the chances they find me? Honestly?"

"Low. Maybe 2% chance. They'd have to be lucky. Like, insanely lucky. Or someone would have to make a mistake."

"I'll take those odds."

"I can't." Travis cups the boy's cheek, not sure how to make him understand. "Carter, I - I can't fucking lose you."

Carter places his hand over Travis's and gives him a gentle smile. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. How can I prove it to you? How can I make it better?"

Travis's body buzzes with the possibilities.

Move back to the safehouse.

Let me move in here.

There's a tracker I can put under your skin or in one of your molars.

Stay naked in my bed and never, ever leave.

But… "I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do. That's letting them win."

"Even if it means you're turned into a total worry wart?" Carter asks, a slight tease to his tone.

Travis chuckles and pulls the boy in close, his heart pounding with fear and love. "Even then. As long as you're okay with the fact I'm probably going to call you a lot more often. And text you."

"Oh, the horror," Carter jokes. "If only you had Ace monitoring my every move with security cameras. Oh, wait."

Travis goes still, his mind spinning. He tries to figure out how the fuck Carter knows that. Then tries to figure out how the boy feels about it. He fails at both.

"So, uh, that wasn't something you were supposed to know…" he finally says.

Carter snorts, but he doesn't sound mad. Amused, more like. Maybe even flattered. "I sort of barged into Ace's office while you were gone doing… whatever with Quinton."

That sends a shock through Travis. "Wait, did you - were you-" he can't say the words. Can barely even stomach the thought of them.

"No," Carter says quickly, turning in his arms and pressing their foreheads together. "You were resting. I left before anything could happen. I didn't want to see it. I - I didn't need to see it, Travis. It didn't matter to me. It's okay."