I left Henry’s employment soon after, starting my own business run from my new office in Henry’s—our—home. I had a client from day one. Granted, it was Henry. Not long after, Victoria hired me. Today, I had several clients, but not so many that I couldn’t enjoy my family.
Life with Henry was beyond what I ever could have imagined. We laughed and loved all the time. He was engaged in raising Pax, so much so that Marie often felt like she had nothing to do. So, I moved her into being my assistant in the business.
My father tried a couple more attempts to screw with us, but Henry made sure once and for all that he’d leave us alone. With Alex’s help, my father was buried in legal hassles that went well beyond his attempt to defraud me of my inheritance.
Two months ago, in the middle of the night, I poked Henry, lying next to me. “It’s time.”
He grunted. “Again?” He rolled over and reached for me. “Not that I’m complaining. I can get hard anytime you need.”
I laughed. “Not sex, Henry. The baby.”
I never saw a man move so fast. He was out of bed, slipping on his shoes and pants he’d left next to it like a fireman.
“Well... why are you still lying there?” he asked, his eyes a little crazed.
“I just need a minute.” I rubbed my belly and breathed through the next contraction.
“Please don’t have this baby here, Samantha.”
When the cramping subsided, I rolled out of bed. “I won’t. We have time.”
Ten hours later, Gwendolyn Banion arrived in the world, pink and perfect. I wished my mother could have been here so baby Gwennie could know her namesake.
Speaking of which, as Victoria handed out pieces of cake, Gwennie let out a cry that had my milk filling my breasts.
“Looks like someone’s hungry,” Henry said, bringing her to me.
“Can she have cake?” Pax asked as I rose from my seat and took the baby.
“Not yet.”
“You can have her piece,” Victoria said, sliding a plate over toward Pax.
I shot her a look. “Are you going to hype your brother up on sugar?”
She grinned. “Isn’t that what big sisters do?”
From the outside, our family probably seemed strange. I was married to my best friend’s father and she was the sister of my children. Then there was the fact that she was married to Henry’s best friend. But for us, we couldn’t be happier.
“So, when are you having another one?” Henry asked Alex. “I sort of like being a grandfather.”
Victoria arched a brow. “Hey. If you’re ready for more babies, knock up your wife.”
Henry winked at me. I was sure there was another child, maybe two, in our future. But not right now.
“I wouldn’t mind having another,” Alex said. “Should we get started?”
Henry winced, as I was sure Alex knew he would. It was one thing to talk about grandchildren. It was another for Henry’s friend to talk about having sex with Henry’s daughter.
After the party,we headed home. Pax, as expected, was hyped up on sugar, so Henry roughhoused with him to burn off the energy. Watching them together, laughing and playing, always filled my heart with awe. I was so grateful that we had finally found our place together.
I fed and put Gwennie down and then took a shower to rinse off the day. Not long after I’d stepped into the hot spray of water, Henry joined me.
“Pax is conked out,” he said as he stepped behind me, running his hands up my abs and up to my breasts.
“You wore him out.”
“He wore me out too.” He pressed a kiss on my neck, his body against mine.