“You got your boxers all in a bunch over my being with Alex, and all this time, you’d slept with my best friend?”

I stopped short. I hadn’t expected that. “Ah... yes...”

“And this was five years ago?”

I nodded. It felt like our roles had changed. She was now the parent reprimanding me.

“And less than a year ago, when it came out about me and Alex, your head exploded.”

I sighed. “It’s very difficult to think about my college buddy sleeping with my daughter.”

“And my best friend sleeping with my dad is no big deal?” She huffed out a breath. “If I could get up and smack you, I would. Lucky for you, I’m too big.”

“Tori, five years ago, I was afraid I’d lose you if you knew. I was afraid if anyone knew... Jesus, I was a forty-something old man fucking his intern—”

Her brows lifted again. “Fucking. That’s all it was?” I heard disapproval in her voice.

“No. It was more than that, but—”

“Oh, wait.” Victoria shifted on the couch. “Is she the woman? The one you said you couldn’t be with but have clearly been pining for?”

I closed my eyes. “All that doesn’t matter now—”

“Of course it does—”

“It doesn’t!”

Victoria recoiled.

“I’m sorry for snapping like that, Tori, but there’s more you need to know.”


It seemed like I got the worst part out of the way, and yet, I struggled with the next. “It’s about Pax.”

She nodded as she waited for me to continue, but then realization came to her expression. “Oh, God... he’s your son?”

I nodded.

She continued to study me, and I waited to find out what her reaction would be. “I don’t get it. Is that why you found her a job so far away? You didn’t want anyone to know?”

“What? No. Jesus.” It occurred to me that was what Samantha had thought too. “I had no idea, Tori. I didn’t know she was pregnant. I didn’t know she had a baby. Hell, I didn’t know he was mine even while he was living under my roof. I don’t think she ever planned to tell me.”


I nodded. “I found out by accident. She only confessed it when cornered about it.”

Victoria’s expression turned indignant. “I never thought she’d do something like that. God, she took four years from you and Pax.”

Finally, she understood. I was pleased to see her anger toward Samantha on my behalf. “She won’t take any more, though. I’m going to be in his life, and I’d like it if you’d be too. He’s your brother, Tori.”

Her smile was sweet as she heaved herself off the couch. “Of course.” She hugged me. "I can't believe she didn't tell you. That's just... it's so wrong."

I nodded.

“So, what are you going to do about Samantha? I mean, if she’s the one you’ve been—”

“She betrayed me.”