“Not so fast, sweetheart.” He paused, sitting on the couch as if he planned to stay for a while. “I realized that for this theory to work, Henry couldn’t know about the boy.” My father raised an eyebrow, his expression a mixture of smugness and disgust. "I bet he doesn't.”

“There’s nothing to know.” I glanced at my watch, wondering how long I had before Henry returned.

“Tell me, Samantha. Did you seduce him, or did he take advantage of you? Which one was it? It feels like you had to seduce him, Henry being such an upstanding guy. But then again, he was your supervisor. He’s old enough to be your father. I wonder what the world will think of him when it gets out that he fucked his intern." My father's words felt like daggers, slicing through my life, turning it into something sordid when it wasn’t. Complicated and sad, yes, but my time with Henry wasn’t sordid.

“You’ve said what you came to say. Just go.”

“I’m right, aren’t I? I’m finally exposing the truth you've been hiding from everyone, including Henry. Face it, Samantha. Your lies are catching up to you."

My father's words echoed in my ears as I struggled to breathe. "Get out. Just get out."

“What’s going on here?”

I whirled around to find Henry standing at the entry of the living room. No, no, no. I studied him, wondering what he’d heard.

“I’m just having a chat with my daughter.” My father’s words were nonchalant as he rose from the couch.

“You’re not welcome here, Carl,” Henry said.

“Really? Is that true, Samantha?” My father gave me a humorless smile. “I need your decision now.”

“About what?” Henry demanded, glancing at me before glaring at my father.

“It’s a little business deal.”

Henry shook his head. “Business? Is this about duping your ex-wife into giving you all her assets?”

My father blustered. “You’re not the man people think you are, Henry Banion. You’re no saint. You’re as corrupt as everyone else. At least my corruption doesn’t involve my dick.”

“Get the fuck out of my house before I throw you out.” Henry grabbed my father and shoved him toward the door.

“Fine, fine.” My father held his hands up in surrender. “Last chance, Sam. Next stop isTMZor some similar gossip rag.”

Henry stepped into my father’s face. “If my or Samantha’s name shows up in gossip and I find it’s from you, I will make sure you never do business in this town again... in the world. Even if my reputation is ruined, I have the money and stamina to make sure your life is a living hell, and I will use it.”

My father recoiled and then looked at me in disgust. Henry grabbed him and pulled him out to the foyer and out the door.

I had only a moment to compose myself before facing Henry.

Henry returned to the living room, his eyes piercing as they looked at me. "Is it true? Am I Pax's father?"

I froze, shock rendering me speechless. I wanted Henry to know the truth, but not like this.

"Is he?" Henry bellowed.

I flinched. "Y–yes.”

“And you were never going to tell me. Turns out you’re more like your father than your mother, after all.”

And with those words, the fragile hope that had been growing inside me shattered, leaving only the bitter taste of regret and the knowledge that I might have lost Henry forever.



Iwas a fool. A world-class idiot.

I had nearly sprinted out of my office to return home, knowing Samantha and Pax would be there. After a few days apart, I was ready to bare my soul to them. I had the courage to let Victoria know the truth about me and Samantha and faith that she would support us. I was willing to risk the scandal in my business, all for a chance at happiness that I had let slip away five years ago.