“The other outlets took something we reported and extrapolated it to mean something more,” Jasper said.
“I’m not liable for other news outlets.”
“No sir, and that’s what we’re putting together in response to the lawsuit,” another attorney said.
“Good.” I worked with them to make sure my company was in the clear.
Later in the evening, when I returned home, I headed to my home office to check on other areas of the business.
"Ah, Mr. Banion, you're home.” Mrs. Tillis appeared in the doorway.
“Yes. Is Caroline still here? I could use a sandwich.”
“I’ll check. Will Samantha and Pax be here too?”
“They’re in Los Angeles.” I began sorting through the papers I’d brought home.
“Will they be returning sometime?”
I looked up at Mrs. Tillis with the urge to tell her I planned for Samantha and Pax to never leave. “They’ll be back in a couple of days.”
"Good. The house has been too quiet without them. I’ll get your sandwich.”
I’d only been home for a few minutes, but I agreed. The house was too quiet.
I settled into my chair, switching on my laptop and readying myself for another round of emails and reports.
A bit later, Mrs. Tillis returned with a sandwich and I hunkered down to work. I took a break to call Victoria and check in with her. I figured I’d have heard if the baby were coming, but still, it had been a few days since I heard from her.
“Did you hear the news about Senator Kipson?” she asked, amusement in her voice.
“I know you’re smart enough not to take a news item and embellish it.”
“Damn right, I’m smart enough. What were those numb nuts thinking, publishing that garbage?”
“The senator is including us in a lawsuit.”
“Yeah, well, I know you’ll get out of it. Nothing you published was wrong. How was your trip?”
I thought of Samantha and Pax. At some point, I needed to tell Victoria about my feelings for them but decided over the phone wasn’t the way to do it. “I had to cut it short because of this lawsuit. I took Samantha and Pax to the Tar Pits.”
“Oh, my God, with the dinosaurs?”
I was pleased she remembered. “Yes.”
“I bet Pax loved it.”
She and I chatted a bit more, and when we hung up, I worked some more.
Just after midnight, I called it a day and headed up to my room. With nothing to distract me, my mind was back on Samantha and Pax. Should I call her? I wanted to, but maybe now that I was here, our moment away from the issues was past. Except I didn’t want it to pass. I should call to keep our connection strong.
I checked my watch again, noting it was only just after nine in the evening in California. Surely, that wasn’t too late to call.
I took off my clothes, finding Samantha’s panties in my coat pocket. I brought them up, inhaling the scent of her sex. God, I wished she were here.
I changed into lounge pants and didn’t bother with a shirt as I lay on my bed with her panties and dialed her number.