“I’ve been working on my business plan, but there’s so much to consider.”

He nodded. “I know Tori will be a great resource.”

“I was hoping maybe you’d take a look too.”

His head cocked to the side. “I inherited a corporation. Tori started a business. She’d be a better—”

“You have a lot of experience and insight. You’ve praised me for how far I’ve come, but you’re the reason I’ve had the success I have.”

He watched me as he inhaled a breath. I got the feeling that my words made him feel appreciated. I hoped he knew that they were the truth. “I’d be happy to see what you’ve come up with and offer any feedback.”

I was sure he was talking about some point in the future, but I had this strong urge to keep this time with him going. “I, ah... I have it on my laptop.” I patted my bag.

Once again, he studied me. Finally, he said, "Would you like to join me for a drink in my room? We could discuss your plans further."

I’d liketo say that I weighed the potential complications of being alone with him, but the truth was, I wasn’t ready for the night to end. "I’d appreciate it."

Once in the hotel, we went up to his suite. Henry went to the bar and poured us each a drink, and we settled onto the plush couch.

“To your success,” Henry said, holding his glass up.

“I’ll drink to that.” I clicked my glass with his and sipped.

“So, what do you have?”

I opened my laptop and showed him my plan so far. Mostly, it was a mishmash of notes. I wished I’d taken time to organize them better, but Henry seemed to follow along.

“What will set you apart?” he asked. “Surely, there are many online media consultants.”

"Well, I want to create an environment where clients feel heard and understood while providing innovative solutions to their unique challenges."

He arched a brow, and my stomach clenched as I recognized it from my intern days when he’d challenge me.

“That sounds like a lot of words that don’t mean much.”

I sighed as I looked down at my laptop screen.

“Samantha, what I’ve seen with your working with my team is that you maximize their strengths, pull them together as a team, and you help them turn boring data into creative content.”

He saw all that?

“But,” he continued, “as you know, marketing is best done by highlighting benefits, outcomes. What does a maximized, cohesive team mean to a CEO?”


“Right. You have to convert all that into the bottom line.”

I nodded. Funny how that was my thinking when I was working with clients, but I’d lost focus when working on my own business. I guess I was too focused on myself and not enough on the clients I wanted to help. Another great lesson from Henry.

“Thank you, Henry. Really. I needed to hear that.”

“My pleasure, Samantha.” Henry likely didn’t mean anything when he used the word “pleasure,” but my body immediately took it to mean something sensual. I looked at him, unable to help noting the curve of his lips and the intensity in his eyes.

"Your ideas are solid, and I can see how much thought you've put into this,” he finished.

"Thanks. It's been a labor of love."

"Isn't that the best kind?" Henry’s eyes darkened in that way that made me think he was also thinking sensual thoughts. Thank God it wasn’t just me.