"Is Henry around?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Mr. Banion is working in his office. He stayed home today."

"Thank you, Knightly." I made my way down the hall, stopping just outside Henry's office door. I hesitated for a moment before knocking softly.


I opened the door, poking my head in. Henry looked up from his desk, surprised but not displeased to see me.

"Hey. I didn't hear back from you about the email I sent earlier."

"Ah, Samantha, I'm sorry.” He rubbed his temples. "I've been dealing with some issues at our Los Angeles office, and...” He looked at his watch. “God, is it six already?”


“Let me look at it now.” He turned his attention to his computer. “Would you mind pouring me a drink? You can get yourself something as well.”

“Sure.” I walked over to the bar, noting that Henry was acting like nothing happened yesterday... just like I’d wanted. I felt a little annoyed that he could so easily forget the kiss, and at the same time, I relaxed. This wouldn’t be awkward.

I poured him a drink, remembering how I’d gotten him so many drinks five years ago when we’d work together. I brought his glass and my own over to his desk.

“I see Alan shared some ideas,” Henry said as he took his glass and sipped.

“Yes. Overall, he thinks it will hurt the reputation of the network, but he did provide a few things to think about.”

As we began discussing the policy proposal, I relaxed into the conversation, enjoying the easy banter and friendly rapport that came naturally between us. This was how it had been when I’d been his intern, before I’d become his lover.

Knightly and Mrs. Tillis entered the room, bringing two trays laden with steaming dishes. “You still have to eat,” Mrs. Tillis insisted.

Knightly arranged a table so we could eat and work at the same time.

"Have you considered adding content guidelines for live streaming journalists in the field?” Henry pointed at a section of the document. "It could be a valuable tool for our news team."

"Good point. We should definitely address that." I made a note to review it later.

"Also, how are we going to handle issues with user-generated content?" he inquired.

“What you have in your terms of use and privacy is pretty robust, but I’ll review again.”

For the rest of the evening, we worked in sync, bouncing ideas off each other and refining the proposal. I had to admit, it was lovely to be with Henry like this. It didn’t alleviate my guilt, but I enjoyed working with him.

The moment we finished editing the policy, a silence settled between us. Henry leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. I watched him for a moment, noting that he had a few more lines in his face, and yet, it made him even sexier. I quickly worked to push that thought away.

Desperate to keep things light, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Hey, Pax mentioned there's a secret room in your office?"

Henry looked up, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh? It's supposed to be a secret."

"Boys only, huh?" I smirked.

He laughed, shaking his head. "I'll show you, but only if you can keep it a secret."


Henry led me across the room and tapped something high on a bookshelf. The door swung open, revealing a small, dimly lit chamber.

“What is this?” I stepped inside, noting the room was empty.

“It used to be where booze was hidden away.”