"No." I brought both our glasses over to the couch. I handed her a glass and sat on the couch hoping I’d given us an appropriate amount of distance.
"You seem frustrated by this process," I said.
"I am. I know the type of man my father is. I know a lot of people also know that. But I suppose he hasn't gotten away with all the things he's gotten away with by being stupid."
"I'm of the opinion that every action leaves some sort of trail. There's something out there that reveals what your father did. The question is whether or not your lawyer can find it."
She took a small sip of the scotch, closing her eyes for a moment as if she was waiting for it to burn away her problems. "Without any proof, there's very little Lucas can do."
"Except you've been relying on him to find something, right? Maybe that's the problem. Maybe you need to find someone else to look." As I said it, I realized that I could help with that.
She sighed. "I don't know what anyone else can do. Lucas was my mother's lawyer. Isn't he the best one to figure out what went wrong?"
She had a point. And yet it seemed to me that Lucas was incompetent or, for some reason, he didn't want to find the problem. "Perhaps it might be better to have someone from the outside looking in because clearly, the guy on the inside isn't being very helpful."
She nodded. "I don't know any private investigators or how to hire one, or even if I have the resources to afford one."
But I did. And I was willing to pay for it, but I wouldn’t mention that. I knew Samantha had about enough of my help. "I know of someone, and if they don't do it for free, it’s very likely they'll offer you a discount."
Her expression was quizzical.
"Alex Sterling. Tori's husband." While I was starting to get over the fact that my so-called best friend had slept with my daughter and was now married to her, perhaps this would be an opportunity to redeem himself if he helped Samantha.
She shook her head. "Alex and Victoria are weeks away from having a new baby. I can't ask him to get involved in this."
"Alex might be ready to be a father, but he's also the person who runs the New York office of Saint Security. Even if he can't do it, he'll have somebody in his office who could." I was certain Alex would help her because Samantha was Victoria’s friend. But suggesting that somebody else would help her might alleviate Samantha's resistance and she’d agree to getting help.
"I can invite Tori and Alex to dinner tomorrow. We can discuss it then."
"I don't know. I'm beginning to think it's a lost cause. It's entirely possible that my father talked my mother into this. He'd said something about her doing this so that he and I could be close again."
"That's bullshit and you know it. There's no way Gwen would have given everything to your father. Even if she thought she could bridge the relationship between the two of you, there's no way she wouldn’t have left something for you and for Pax."
Samantha rubbed her temple. "I know, but maybe I should just let it go. Who knows how long this could take, and in the end, it might just be a waste of time and money."
"Hey." I reached my hand out, giving a gentle tug on a strand of her hair. "It hasn't been that long. Right now, you're in a transitional phase, and a lot is going on, and I know that can be stressful. But I have it on good authority that your boss is pleased with your work."
Her lips twitched up, and it made my heart squeeze.
"You’ve been very kind to me. And I do appreciate it, Henry. When I get my first paycheck, Pax and I will be looking for a new place—"
“You don't have to do that." Panic shot through my gut. "You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need. Use your bonus and your paycheck to save for your new business."
"You've already done enough."
I shook my head. "I don't know why you're so resistant to my help. It's not a burden or hardship to have you and Pax here. I really enjoy spending time with the little guy. Really."
She gulped down her drink, setting it on the coffee table and then standing. "Thank you for all your support." She was dismissing me just as she’d dismissed Lucas.
I set my glass on the table and then stood. "Think about what I said, about seeing if Alex can help and about staying here to save money to start your business."
"Everything you say sounds so reasonable and..."
I smiled. "So then you should listen to what I say." I reached out, tugging her in for a hug, intending it to be one of friendship and support. But as I started to pull away and I looked down into those beautiful green eyes of hers, my heart did a loop in my chest. Like a moth drawn to a flame, I slowly leaned forward, millimeter by millimeter until finally, my lips were on her lush mouth. At any moment, she was going to push me away, completely repulsed. But until then, I soaked in the softness of her lips, the sweetness of them.
A moment later, when she hadn't pushed me away, I realized that she was kissing me back. Warmth infused my body followed by a wild heat as the feel of her against me lit me up from the inside out. I slid my arms tighter around her and contemplated pushing her back onto the couch to take what I had missed over the last five years.
Her hands slid over my chest and then gave a push. She stepped back, bringing her hand to her lips, her green eyes wide as she looked at me in shock and regret.