"Why do I have the feeling you have something to share with me?"

"Look, Mr. Banion. I have no right to share my opinion on how you run your business, but hiring someone like that out of the blue, and putting her in a position with much power and responsibility..." His pause told me he knew he was treading in hot water.

"What's on your mind, Alan?"

"I'm just saying some people might talk. They might wonder how someone like her could get such a job."

"Are you suggesting that people are going to think that Samantha is sucking my dick and that's why I gave her a job? Is that what you’re thinking?"

He winced and looked away. He probably hadn't expected me to be so graphic and blunt.

“No, of course not.”

“I hired Ms. Layton for the same reason I hired you. She has experience and knowledge. Her age becomes an advantage because it's her demographic that we need to attract to all our platforms. I know that you are aware of that."

His expression reminded me of when Victoria was a little girl and I was reprimanding her.

"Ms. Layton is a friend of the family, and so I won't tolerate anyone suggesting something as vile as what you hinted at. She's my daughter's friend, for Christ's sake." I was laying it on thick, and I suppose, to a certain extent, I was being a hypocrite because while I was telling him that Samantha was like a daughter to me, I definitely didn't see her as a daughter.

"I didn't mean any offense, Mr. Banion."

"I should hope not. If you happened to share these thoughts with her, I expect you to give her an apology.”

He nodded.

"Have a good evening, Alan." I didn't wait for his goodbye and instead left his office and went to the elevator, heading down to the garage. Knightly had already helped Samantha into the car. I slid in next to her.

"Is everything all right?" she asked as Knightly pulled out of the garage and into Manhattan’s traffic.

"It should be from now on. I'm wondering if you had a chance to read the employee handbook? There is a section that has to do with harassment and a hostile workplace. It's been updated since you were an intern. I encourage you to read it and not be afraid to let anyone know if you're having any problems."

She studied me for a moment.

"Alan shared with me some of his concerns regarding your hiring, and I imagine he expressed them to you. I don't want you to put up with that bullshit."

She bit her lower lip and nodded.

"If it does become a problem, I’ll force Alan to do dances on TikTok."

Her laugh sprang forth unexpectedly. She was beautiful and bright and she stole my breath.

"I'd like to see that."

I was mesmerized by her, my gaze drifting from the sparkle in her green eyes down to her pink, plump, luscious lips. I lifted my gaze again and our eyes caught. Electricity arced between us, and if I leaned in just a few inches, I could taste the forbidden sweetness of her lips.

But I couldn't. She was my employee. She was my daughter's friend. And now she had concerns about her reputation being hurt if she was looked upon as somebody who was getting special attention from the boss.

Thankfully, the car bounced as it entered the driveway into the garage of my home, breaking the electric current holding me to her. Once inside the house, I made a beeline for my office, planning to spend the rest of the evening there.

I wondered how much longer I could endure the tug of war raging inside me. The growing desperate need to be with Samantha, fighting with the absolute knowledge that it couldn't ever happen. What would be the breaking point? And when I hit it, what would happen?

At 6:45 that evening,Mrs. Tillis brought in a tray of food for me. "You missed dinner with your guests again." Her tone was admonishing.

"They're not my guests. This isn't a visit. They're staying here for a short time until Samantha gets her mother's estate situated."

Mrs. Tillis tsked but didn't say any more, leaving me to my work. I ate as I reviewed Samantha's report again and arranged for her to go to the network tomorrow to discuss her ideas with our online and social media department there.

A little after seven, I'd finished my meal and decided I wanted a drink. I rose from my desk, going to the bar and pouring a couple of fingers of scotch.