An ache filled my chest as the memory of his gentle hands on my body made me believe he loved me. The way the feral need shining in his eyes made me feel I was the most desired woman in the world. The way he encouraged me to explore his body, to tap into my own desires that made me feel more like a woman than I’d ever had. I wasn’t a virgin when Henry first had sex with me, but there was so much I hadn’t done or experienced until him.

The memory of the first time in his bed, when he finished bringing me to climax with his mouth and he rose over me. I expected him to enter me, but instead, he rolled us both until he was on his back.

“I want to watch you ride me, Samantha. I want to see you chase pleasure.”

The idea of him watching me was embarrassing, but he guided me over him, and once I sank down, filling my body with his erection, I couldn’t think of anything but pleasure.

I closed my eyes and let my body take over.

“Yes, that’s it, my sweet Samantha. Feel the power. Let the sensations guide you.”

I rocked and then rose over him, sinking down again, moaning as the pleasure grew.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

His words added to the moment, ratcheting up my need. It coiled tight in my belly until I felt out of control. My body wasn’t my own. It was completely his.

“Yes... Samantha... yes...” His hands gripped my hips. He rose under me, meeting me with each move. “I’m about to come, baby...” This thumb rubbed over my clit, and I detonated.

I cried out, my head thrown back as pleasure rocked through me.

“Fuck!” Henry bucked, his essence filling me as we rode through the storm together.

I was completely boneless as I collapsed over him. My head rested on his chest. I felt his heartbeat against my cheek and tumbled full on into love for him.

He held me, kissed the top of my head. “My sweet Samantha.”

Like a fool, I’d heard those words as a confession of love.

Today, I was smarter, stronger, and oh, so much less gullible. This time, I wouldn’t let Henry’s kindness and generosity dupe me.



Ididn't sleep well last night as memories and emotions collided within me. Seeing Samantha in my kitchen last night did weird things to me. When I first saw her taking the milk from the fridge and then looking for glasses, I had this feeling like the world was right. Her being in my house with me was right. When she turned toward me, the way the moonshine illuminated her made me catch my breath. She was so fucking beautiful. Then everything went downhill from there.

I couldn't blame her for being distrustful of me considering how I had treated her five years ago, and just at the same time, it was frustrating. But as I lay in bed last night, I knew that her keeping an emotional and physical distance was crucial to this arrangement’s success. There was no scenario in which she and I could build a life together, so there was no sense in letting myself be drawn to her.

This morning, I was up and out of the house early and at my desk by six thirty. I didn’t want to be like a sap, hanging around to see her. Besides, I had things to do to get ready for her to start her job.

Last week, I had asked the heads of all the various media platforms to pull together their online and social media data so I could have it ready for Samantha to review. This morning, I'd had my admin pull it all together into a single file and I went through it, noting the areas that I felt might need attention.

At 7:59, my admin buzzed me, letting me know Samantha had arrived. I told my admin to send her in and rose from my desk, buttoning my suit jacket and coming around my desk to greet her as she entered.

Today, she wore a form-fitting navy dress that made my mouth go dry. It was a professional dress not meant to be sexy, and yet it was.

"Good morning, Samantha. Welcome to your first day back at Banion media."

Her smile was polite, but like before, without warmth. It was a stark contrast to her first day of her internship five years ago when she was filled with enthusiasm.

I was going to ask if everything had gone okay this morning getting Pax off to preschool but decided she would find the question intrusive or feel that I was questioning her abilities. So instead, I invited her to take a seat.

"I have pulled together reports from all the media platforms for you to review and decide which could use the most attention now." I walked over to the desk, picking up the file and handing it to her. Once she sat, I returned to my seat as well.

She began thumbing through the pages. "I'll need some time to review these. It's possible that I may want more information or to talk to staff at each platform before deciding which to focus on first."

"Whatever you need, you can have it.” God, how I wished I could give her so much more, and I wasn’t talking about work.