The electricity I feel with them makes me forget that the man who surprisingly left me an inheritance has been murdered...and I’m the prime suspect.
Reed,a protective single dad, has a rugged charm that could steal any woman’s heart.
Ashercould cut glass with his razor-sharp features. Yes, he’s exceptionally strong but what draws me to him is his heart of gold.
Miguelhas Spanish blood in him. His temper is unmatched, but you’d never guess that when he cracks dad jokes.
These men fill my heart with joy... and my bed with heat.
My soul belongs to them, but do I even know who they really are?
Their traumatic past won’t let them get too close to me, even though the two pink lines on the stick bind us together.
I may not know who the dad is, but I’m taking a leap of faith.
They say I’m too innocent for my own good.
Am I naïve to think that I can trust them with my life, and with my baby?
Item one: go on a date before Mama chews my ears off.
Item two: don't say anything stupid on the date.
Item three: don't run away if he calls you sugar.
Item four: okay, maybe run away, but tell Mama you ran because you got a case of the collywobbles. Do not, I repeat, do not tell her the date went to pot.
I'd had it up to here with my mama telling me I was gonna die a "lil' ole spinster." It used to be cute about five years ago.
But now, at the tail-end of twenty-nine, it was like I had this massive time-bomb strapped to my chest, and it'd explode any second.
I could almost hear her southern drawl in the back of my ears. For context, most of our conversations flowed along the same pattern these days.
"Well, sugar, I was just wondering if you'd met any nice fellas lately."
"Oh, Lord. Here we go again."
"Now, don't you go getting all huffy on me, Juniper. I just want you to be happy."
"I'm perfectly happy, Mama. I don't need no man to make me happy."
"Now, that's just plain silly. Everybody needs somebody."
"I've got plenty of somebodies in my life, Mama. I've got my friends, my books, and that dratted cat who visits me now and then. I think he likes me more than he does his folks."
"I don't know about that. That cat's not gonna take you out to dinner or dance with you under the stars."
"I can take myself out to dinner, Mama. And as for dancing under the stars, well, I'll ask the cat. Who knows, maybe I could bribe him into it."
"Hey, Ms. Davis?"