When I arrived at Victoria and Alex’s building, the doorman let me in. One of the perks of being well-known.
“Will you let Victoria know I’m on my way up?” I asked the woman in the lobby.
“Yes, sir, Mr. Banion.”
I rode up the elevator to the penthouse apartment. The door opened before I reached it.
“Dad. Is everything Okay?” Victoria looked like she hadn’t been out of bed very long. Or maybe it was the fatigue of being so pregnant.
“Everything is fine. Great, even. I just need to talk with you.”
“Of course. Come in.” She held the door open. “I can make you coffee.”
“Actually, water would be nice.”
“Coming up.” She went to the kitchen while I walked over to the large windows overlooking Central Park. The cool winter morning made me think of the upcoming holidays. Would Pax be able to spend them with me?
“Is Alex here?” I called out.
“No. He’s at the office. He wouldn’t give me the deets, but it looks like things are about to turn around for Samantha and Pax.” She returned with a glass of water, which I downed. She cocked her head to the side. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Mostly, yes.”
“What does that mean?”
“Honey, sit down.”
“Oh, God. Are you sick?”
“No... God, no. I just have something to tell you, and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it, so I’m nervous.”
She sat on the couch, looking up at me with concern in her eyes. “I love you, Dad. You know that.”
“I do. And I love you too, honey.” I went to sit, but nervous energy kept me upright, pacing.
“Whenever you’re ready,” she prompted.
I stopped, took a breath, and faced her. “Do you remember five years ago when Samantha was my intern?”
“Yes. You helped her get that job in Seattle too. I was mad about that, by the way. But I can see it was a good job for her.”
Inwardly, I winced.
“Dad?” Victoria prodded.
Fuck. Just say it. “The thing is, Tori.. .ah, fuck...”
Victoria studied me. “What?”
“Tori, I...”
Her brow arched.
I blew out a breath. “I had an affair with Samantha.”
For a moment, her face didn’t show any reaction. Then both her brows lifted and her mouth gaped. “You son of a bitch.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, ready for the onslaught. Ready for her to call me a pervy old man. Ready for her to feel betrayed by me and Samantha.