"I want to tell you the secret, okay?" Samantha said.


Samantha took a deep breath while mine stalled in my chest, wondering what Pax was going to think. Would he be happy that I was his father? Would he still be mad at me for being pissed at his mother?

"Pax, sweetie, remember how sometimes you ask about your dad?"

Pax nodded.

"Well, the truth is that Henry is your dad."

Pax’s brows furrowed into confusion as he looked from Samantha to me and then back to Samantha. "You mean now he’s my dad?"

"He's always been your dad."

Pax continued to look confused. "But he hasn't lived with us. Mommies and daddies live together."

I looked at Samantha, wondering how she was going to explain this to him, hoping against all hope that I didn't come out looking like the bad guy for not being in the family.

"That was the secret, sweetie. I didn't tell Henry and I didn't tell you."

"Why not?"

Samantha's expression was full of regret, but I refused to be swayed by it. "It's a long story. The important thing is that you know the truth now. Henry is your daddy."

Again, Pax continued to consider everything he'd been told. Finally, he walked over to me, and I leaned closer, holding my hands out and putting a smile on my face, hoping he couldn't see the rage burning inside toward Samantha.

"Are you glad that you're my daddy?"

My heart squeezed tight and then thumped hard. Unable to help myself, I reached out and took the boy’s hands in mine. "I am over the moon with joy and happiness to know that you're my son, Pax. I hope you're not disappointed."

Pax shrugged as if he were indifferent, and I tried not to take it personally.

"I wish I'd known about you before now, but now that I do, I plan to be in your life. How do you feel about that?"

Pax stepped closer, in between my legs as he nestled into my body. Emotion welled in my chest, bringing tears to my eyes.

"I'm glad. I think you're going to be a good dad."

I let out a laugh as I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Does that mean we’re going to stay here and be a family?" he asked.

My entire body tensed as I looked over at Samantha. I would continue to help and support her, and even allow her to stay in my house as long as she needed. But all thoughts of our being a family died when I learned of her betrayal.



"Does that mean we’re going to stay here and be a family?" Pax's innocent question hung heavily in the air, and I felt my heart shatter into a thousand pieces because one glance at Henry and I knew the answer was no.

"Sweetheart... it's not that simple." I struggled to find the words, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat. “Not all families live together.”

Pax turned to Henry. “Don’t you want us?”

I saw a flash of anger in Henry’s eyes directed at me. I couldn’t blame him. He was looking like the bad guy when I was the one who ruined everything.

“I want you,” Henry said carefully to Pax.