“It’s okay.” I reached for him. “I’m on the pill.” In the back of my mind, I knew this was a risk. The pill had failed me before, but at this moment, all I could think about was being a part of Henry without barriers, physically or emotionally.
“Are you sure?” His blue eyes were intense as he looked at me. “I thought you said—”
“If you’re worried—”
“I’m not worried.” He positioned his body against mine. Did that mean he was okay if the pill failed? Guilt tried to overtake the love and desire I was feeling. I desperately pushed it away.
His gaze held mine as he slowly pressed inside me. Emotion flooded my chest as inch by inch, he filled me. It was more than his body I felt inside me. The barrier between us dissolved, and for a brief moment, we were one.
Once he was seeped deep in my body, he dipped his head and kissed me. Slowly, tenderly, until I wondered if he was feeling the same emotions I was. Tears pricked my eyes at the unfairness that we could love each other and yet not be together. Not if Henry wanted to keep me a secret from Victoria and his business. But clearly, he did, as he was clear that this affair would only be while we were away from New York.
“Samantha.” His whisper of my name drew me back to the present where I let go of the past and worries to focus on this moment. He moved and I responded, our bodies moving like a dance in perfect harmony. Each time he sank into me and our eyes met, it was as if another layer of our souls were connecting, joining.
Soon, need ramped up and the slow lovemaking turned desperate as we each sought pleasure. The tension built to a crescendo, reaching the edge where I teetered in that moment of torturous anticipation. Henry drove in again and sent me soaring. I cried out, arching into him, clutching him close, never wanting this moment to end.
As we lay entwined, our breathing ragged and hearts pounding, the ache in my chest built. Why did it have to be like this?
I started to move, but Henry tugged me close. “Stay for a minute,” he murmured, his voice heavy with exhaustion.
I gave in again, nestling in beside him. I closed my eyes, savoring his scent and sound of his heart.
I woke up with a start,disoriented as to where I was. Warm breath teased my ear. I was with Henry in his bed. I panicked that I might have stayed the night. Looking at the nightstand, I saw that it was just after midnight.
I turned to Henry and for a moment, let myself take him in. His chest rose and fell gently, the rhythm of his breaths soothing yet heart-wrenching. I was torturing myself, so I untangled myself from his strong embrace.
I found my clothes, and once dressed, I hesitated at the door, glancing back at the peaceful scene one last time. A tear trickled down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I left the sanctuary of Henry's room, feeling a cold emptiness.
In the quietof my own suite, I found Pax sleeping soundly, blissfully unaware of the turmoil that filled my heart. I reached down and brushed a lock of blond hair from his forehead. Pax was the embodiment of everything pure and good in my life. It was hard to believe I could feel more guilt, but I did as I realized that it wasn’t just Henry who deserved to know about Pax, but Pax also deserved to know about Henry, to have a father like Henry.
I headed to bed, unable to stop thinking about the passion and tenderness Henry showed me. Our connection was undeniable. I longed to tell him everything, to lay my soul bare and hope that he would understand, but acknowledging the truth could destroy us as well.
The morning arrived fasterthan expected. I had breakfast with Pax and Marie, who planned to go to the zoo today. After eating, I met Henry in the hallway. He leaned in, giving me a kiss on the temple, a gesture I hadn’t expected. It made my heart ache even more.
“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”
“I fell asleep too.”
In the elevator, his smile was sheepish. “Will you come over again tonight?”
Heat tinged my cheeks. “Do you want me to?”
He snorted. “I think you know the answer to that.”
Once in the car, the gestures and innuendo ceased. It was a harsh reminder that I was once again Henry’s dirty little secret. I wanted to be angry at him, but it was my own fault. I’d agreed to it. I’d also decided to tell him about Pax.
As we pulled into the parking lot, I hesitated, my lips parting to confess, but the words died in my throat. This wasn't the right time or place. I needed to tell him later when we were alone and in a place where we could hash out the next steps.
In the safetyof my makeshift office, I threw myself into work, pushing away the turmoil and instead relishing in the sense of accomplishment. It was the one area of my life where I was in control, and for a while, it dulled the relentless ache of guilt.
I’d just finished reviewing the latest content ideas from the team when Henry showed up in my doorway.
“Hey.” He stepped in, closing the door behind him.
"Hey. Everything okay?"
His expression was apologetic. “A business issue in New York has come up, and I need to head back today." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know you have a few days left, so I've arranged flights for you and Pax and Marie when you’re finished here."
"Thank you." I guess that meant no late-night rendezvous. Then again, once I told him the truth, he might not want anything to do with me. Since he was leaving, perhaps I needed to tell him now. But at work, when his mind was preoccupied with a problem in New York, it didn't seem like the right time. At least that was what I told myself.