I frowned as I realized I’d likely be the child’s only grandfather. Only grandparent. Alex was estranged from his father, and his mother was dead. Victoria’s mother left the moment the hospital discharged her after Victoria’s birth. From the moment she found out she was pregnant, she knew she didn’t want to be a mother. I’d worked out a deal in which I’d pay her a fortune to carry the child to term, and then she could leave.

“Do you ever wonder about your mother?” I asked.

“No.” Her response was quick and made with ease, telling me it was the truth. “Having you was enough, and it will be enough for Hank too.”

I thought about Pax being raised by a single parent. It wasn’t easy, although my wealth made it easier for me than for others. Still, it seemed like a boy should have a father figure. Perhaps I could be that for young Pax, at least while he was here.

The ring of the doorbell interrupted us.

“That’s probably Alex. He said he’d come get me here and then we’d go get a milkshake.”

I arched a brow.

She shrugged. “Hank likes milkshakes and corn chips.”

A few moments later, Knightly came in announcing Alex’s arrival.

I tensed, an automatic response when Alex entered my office. I wondered if I’d ever get over my college friend, the man I’d once chased women with, having married my daughter.

If Alex noticed my moment of tension, he didn’t show it. His eyes were on Victoria. The love in his eyes for her, while weird, was what kept me from kicking his ass.

Alex leaned down to kiss Victoria. “How are you and the baby?”

“Very well.” Victoria brimming with happiness was another reason I didn’t kick Alex’s ass.

“Henry.” Alex extended his hand, and I shook it. He looked back to Victoria. “Ready for milkshakes?”

“Yes.” Victoria stood, with help from Alex.

“I wondered if I could talk to you about something, Alex,” I said.

Both Alex and Victoria looked at me with suspicion. Like they thought I was going to say something about how much their relationship still bugged me.

"Has Tori told you about Samantha’s father getting Gwen’s inheritance?”

They both relaxed, and Alex nodded. “Yes. I agree that Gwen wouldn’t have left Samantha out in the cold like that.”

“She has a lawyer who is supposedly looking into it, but as far as I can tell, he hasn’t found anything. He says the paperwork is legal and the one person who could help explain what happened is conveniently indisposed.”

Alex’s brow furrowed. “Indisposed how?”

I supposed being a former mercenary, Alex’s mind would go to something like murder. “The story is that she’s in South America, off the grid.”

“How can I help? Do you want me to find her?”

“Maybe. Mostly, I’d like you to look into Layton.”

Alex nodded. “He was always a motherfucker.”

“Alex... language.”

He laughed. “Sorry.” He patted Victoria’s belly.

“Is Samantha on board with this?” Victoria asked. “She didn’t mention it when I was visiting with her.”

“She and I discussed the possibility of asking Alex.” That wasn’t a lie.

“Is this an official investigation?”