Pax dragged himself off the floor and hugged Victoria. She laughed. “Goodnight, Pax.” She started toward the door. “How about we have lunch tomorrow, Samantha? I want to pick your brain about babies.”
This was what my life should have been like. Spending time with my best friend, talking about babies. But the weight of my secrets made it hard to fully embrace the wonderful friendship Victoria offered me.
“I’d enjoy that.”
With a final wave, Victoria disappeared down the hall, leaving me alone with Pax. “Okay, little guy, let’s get this cleaned up and you into bed.”
I guided Pax through our nighttime routine of brushing his teeth and wriggling into his pajamas. I tucked him into bed, sat next to him, and opened a book about sharks to read to him. I was barely through the first page when Pax’s eyes closed and he was asleep.
Closing the book, I let my head fall back against the headboard, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. Five years ago, I thought I'd made the right choice by keeping the truth about Pax from Henry. Henry had been clear that he never wanted to see me again lest our secret come out. I still stood by that decision. But now as I gazed at my son's peaceful face, I wondered if I should come clean to Henry. All the reasons he’d sent me away still existed, and yet, the attraction was still there. The kiss tonight proved it.
For a moment, I allowed myself to think that Henry would be thrilled to discover Pax was his son. That he’d tell me I was the woman he’d loved and he wanted to start again. But the moment I thought that, I was back in the living room of his Hamptons beach house as he told me he never wanted to see me again. No, I couldn’t let myself fall for him, but did that mean he couldn’t know about his son? My conscience warred with me, telling me Pax deserved to know his father and Henry deserved to know his son. But was I brave enough to come clean? I would be risking a lot. Henry could reject Pax. Or he could sue for custody.
I didn't know the answer, but as I stood and kissed Pax goodnight, I knew I couldn't keep running from the truth forever. Somehow, someday, I would have to face it.
Confused and with a heavy heart, I slipped from the room and returned to my own. Guilt and regret pressed down on me as I put on my pajamas and got into bed. How much longer could I live like this?
Iswept the shards of glass from the glass I threw into the dustpan then dumped the remains of my rage into the trash. Fucking hell. What had I been thinking, kissing Samantha like that? I hadn’t been thinking. I’d been yearning, aching. I could still feel the press of Samantha's lips against mine. The surge of power... of joy that had coursed through me when I realized she was kissing me back.
The click of the front door shook me from my regret. Victoria breezed into the room, one hand cradling her swollen belly. Seeing her reminded me of how fortunate it was that Samantha was stronger than I was and had pulled away from the kiss or Victoria would have caught us.
Victoria’s smile faltered. "What's wrong?"
I forced a grin and made my way to her, giving her a hug. "Nothing, just tired. How are you feeling?"
We settled on the sofa, and Victoria launched into happy chatter about her impending motherhood.
“Little Hank here is going to be a soccer player. Maybe rugby.”
I rolled my eyes. “Still planning to call him Hank?” I was beyond the moon that Victoria and Alex planned to name the baby Henry, but not so excited to know he’d be called Hank for short. I’d never liked being called Hank.
“Yes. It’s cute.” Then she fixed me with a probing look. "How's it been, having Samantha and her son here?"
I hesitated, my thoughts straying to our illicit kiss. Pushing it away, I said, "It's been nice. Pax is a great kid. I showed him the secret room.”
She laughed. “He probably thought that was the coolest thing. I know I did.”
I smiled, remembering Pax’s amazement and joy.
Victoria tilted her head. "Do you ever wish you'd settled down? Had more children?"
The momentary calm burst into chaos in my gut again. Images of Samantha flooded my mind. The yearning to make a life with her and the misery from the night I'd made sure she’d never love me. "Never met the right person, I guess."
Victoria pursed her lips. "I think there was someone, once. Wasn't there?"
I squirmed internally but kept my face neutral. "It was a long time ago. It wouldn't have worked out."
She searched my eyes, and I hoped she couldn’t see the truth. Finally, she sighed, seemingly accepting my answer as she let the matter drop.
“I’m very much looking forward to spoiling little Hank here.” I steered the conversation back to her.
Her smile was bright. “You’re going to be a wonderful grandfather.”