It had to be small as it could barely hold the tip of my chin in its palm.
The speaker rasped once more at the back of her throat. “Open your eyes.”
When I finally managed to open them, I had to squint harshly, grateful there was no source of bright light.
I raise my eyes to the face of the female looking at me.
I was not shocked it was a Goblar — the growling at the back of her throat was more than enough of a giveaway — but what did take me by surprise was her appearance.
It was another hideously ugly face.
To me, all the Goblars looked alike.
Horrid little creatures with deep wrinkles that folded over, exaggerated their emotions by the elasticity of their skin.
When they smiled, it was a grin.
When they scowled, it was a mask of anger.
When they laughed, it was uproarious, heavy, and loud.
And evil.
These creatures did nothing by half.
The Goblar before me was one unlike any other I had seen before.
The expression was the same, with the same large bulbous yellow eyes and black-slitted pupils, the same razor-sharp needle-like teeth, the same ears jutting from either side of her head, the thick tuft of hair atop her head reached under the neckline of her dress.
Her dress.
She was wearing a dress.
And makeup.
And a necklace.
The makeup seemed grotesque, enhancing the disgusting features inherent on her face.
The lipstick was bright red, drawing attention to the thick lips, the mascara making the eyes seem even larger, the rouge on her cheeks bright like a clown’s, eyelids painted a striking shade of pink.
Her dress was elaborate, consisting of feathers jutting out on either side.
Her necklace was linked white pearls.
“Are you sure this is the fated female?” she snarled.
Beside her was another female Goblar, this one with a tablet computer in hand, thick glasses perched on her tiny nose.
She tapped at the screen nonstop and growled to the affirmative.
The female looking me over pulled back. “Why is it only the ugly ones that become the fated females?”
As ridiculous as it sounded, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed.
Who was she to call me ugly?
Look at the hideous little beast!