I nodded to him. “I’ll go first and take care of any Goblars we come across. Emily, you stay close to me. Cayah—”
“I have her,” Cayah said, picking his mate up in his arms.
I seized the door handle and listened intently to what might be on the other side.
If Goblars were near, I would hear them.
They found it impossible to be silent and were forever making small, grunting noises even when there were no others around.
Hearing nothing, I eased the door open.
I checked one direction before stepping out and checking the other.
Cayah was telling the truth.
We were in the dock where a dozen ships stood ready for takeoff.
Some had been entered already, no doubt the Goblars having sized them up to add to their fleet.
Others — including mine — remained untouched.
But none of them were of any use without the Reflector engine.
I spotted no Goblars and crept around from one ship to another, keeping the engineering machinery between us and the large empty expanse of the docks.
It was quiet.
Very quiet.
But as the Goblars had discovered the fated female, that her location was down in the depths of the Facility, I knew none would stay behind on sentry duty, no matter what their orders were — not when they could find the female and impregnate her themselves.
They would fight and claw to get at her.
Finally, we came to Cayah’s ship.
It was an M-Class Hauler.
Fairly quick, but its strength lay in its ability to scavenge destroyed or forgotten ships.
A salvage ship would find having a Reflector on board of great value.
Cayah shifted Nisa in his arms and placed his palm to the ship’s underside.
The steps dropped down and he immediately hustled on board.
I followed in after him, along with Emily on my heels.
The dock’s blast door was still open and I knew without a shadow of a doubt the Goblar ships would still be stationed out there, prepared to shoot down any ships that attempted an escape.
I began to feel a little excited, giddy that we were actually going to get out of there.
Emily looked much more nervous.
I gripped her hand and smiled at her. “Everything’s going to be all right. Everything’s going to work out.”
Cayah placed his mate on the medical bed and initiated the restraining straps to hold her in place.
Then he hustled over to the pilot console and prepped for dust off.