He moved through them like a wraith… but there were always going to be far more of them than he could deal with.
As strong as he was, as powerful and unrelenting, there were only so many he could obliterate before he too would become exhausted and overcome.
The monsters didn’t seem to be running out of fodder to hurl his way any time soon.
They seemed to keep coming without end.
Once Yaltah was done with the last beast, and plucked the needle teeth out of the fleshy part of his hand where they had become embedded in the fleshy part of his fist, we sprinted further down the tunnel.
I glanced back over my shoulder and saw the bloody remains of the creatures we left in our wake, claret splattered over the walls as if someone had been remodeling and done a poor job.
A fresh wave of the horrific beasts washed over the scene, those at the front turning their heads to peer at their fallen comrades.
I was shocked to see in their features not a look of grief but giddy excitement.
I felt the blood leave my face as I realized that in their twisted little minds they saw it as an opportunity to get more than their fair share of the prize…
Of me.
“Down here,” Yaltah said, twisting and bolting down another tunnel at a ninety-degree angle.
Yaltah focused on something I could not see… or perhaps did not want to see.
“Here!” Yaltah bellowed.
How big was the facility that we could sprint down it for as long as we had? I wondered.
I knew it wasn’t really without end and that, sooner or later, it would come to a stop and we would be trapped down there, with no recourse but to turn back and attack the Goblars and make a stand…
For however long that might last.
I had seen my fair share of nature documentaries and knew that even the biggest, mightiest creatures could not stand forever against the mighty ant, which would keep on swarming until eventually they had overcome their prey, and then set about dismembering it and hauling it back to their nest.
My fate was grisly enough, but to imagine that happening to Yaltah, my fated mate…
It couldn’t happen.
Couldn’t be allowed to happen.
Not that I had much say in the matter — after all, all we could do was race as fast as our legs could carry us.
So long as we kept ourselves ahead… Well, that was about all the control we had over our fate.
But it was better than nothing — and nothing was what we would end up with if we came to a dead end.
Then the end really would be dead.
There would be no way out of this — for either of us.
“Here!” Yaltah bellowed again.
We came to what I had hoped we would avoid…
A dead end.
But it appeared to be what Yaltah was so excited about.