To get me somewhere safe, which meant keeping me out of the Goblars’ claws for the first twenty hours after we had mated for the first time.

And that, for the moment, consisted of running down these endless tunnels.

But there were far too many hours remaining for us to keep on with that mission.

My body was far too tired and worn out.

There was no way I could keep on at this pace, not without collapsing soon.

Sometimes I caught sight of the disgusting monstrous beasts as they snarled from beneath their glowing yellow eyes, so demonic in the murky darkness that I really did, for a moment, think I was in a nightmare.

The howls of the creatures grew louder, growling like hungry tigers baying for blood.

Now I understood why Yaltah had insisted on breaking apart from me and handing himself over, because if those creatures managed to get a hold of me…

Or at least, the part of me they were interested in…

There wouldn’t be much of me left recognizable afterward.

To have four of the creatures hammering away at me would have been an unbearable hell, but to have an army of them vying for my pussy, fighting amongst themselves and forcing themselves inside and pumping me full of their Seed…?

I would have shivered if I had the energy to spare.

My breaths sawed in and out of my throat and made it sore with exertion.

My muscles hurt so much I might have been tenderized by a butcher.

And still, we kept on moving.

I wanted to ask Yaltah if he had a plan, if we were heading somewhere in particular, if we would just end up running down these tunnels endlessly…

But I didn’t have the breath to ask and neither was I certain I wanted to know the answer.

If we had somewhere to go, then it would only depress me if we failed to reach it.

And that would have been enough to knock the last of my motivation out of me, forcing me to give up here and now.

If I was going to get caught and die a grisly death anyway, then I preferred to do it now.

At least then I wouldn’t have to suffer any more than I already had.

My unasked questions were answered as I spotted a gang of five, perhaps six, of the Goblars ahead.

Yaltah’s brow drew into a frown and a determined stance.

That had not been the expression he wore earlier when we turned down one empty tunnel after another.

Instead, he grabbed my arm and led me down not the empty tunnel but the one alive with demons.

They didn’t fire their plasma rifles at us — no doubt out of fear they might strike me.

It gave Yaltah the advantage he needed.

I was essentially a shield but the truth was, he was never going to use me that way, not when an accident might happen and they might blow a hole in me.

Yaltah roared at the top of his lungs as he lowered his horns and swung his enormous fists down on the creatures, smashing them into the floor like he was wielding twin sledgehammers.

It didn’t seem fair… except the creatures seemed to have been created with the same level of aggression and snapped back at him with their sharp serrated teeth, tearing at his arms and hands and feet as he beat at them.