She must have read my expression as easily as if it was written in letters across my brow.

“Are you sure?” I said.

She nodded. “I am.”

I lowered myself down on top of her, allowing her to feel my weight.

I felt the delicateness of her beneath me.

I pressed my lips to hers and she leaned her head back and took them gently.

It was a soft, gentle kiss.

I decided to allow her to take command of what she wished to do next and tell me with her body what she wanted from me.

I wouldn’t impress my will upon her as I had earlier.

I would let her take from me what she wanted, what she needed, and no more.

I glanced toward the door.

I hadn’t heard anything but there was always the fear the creatures would get the drop on us and then we would be trapped in this room with no easy way to escape.

But we each needed this closeness.

After our recent scares, I didn’t think there was anything we could do better.

To feel her close to me, to be inside her, was the best way to remind myself that she was my fated mate and that we were destined to be together for all time.

Besides, there were worse ways to spend the next fourteen hours.



I was surprised at my own body’s reaction, how I had expected that it would take me some time before I would want another male to touch me…

And that was true, except that I didn’t consider Yaltah just “another male.”

I desired his touch every time I saw him, and it wasn’t only for sex but as a way to heal myself, better than any doctor might be capable of.

It wasn’t a physical wound I was suffering from but internal, spiritual.

I sensed I didn’t need deep introspection but simply to be in his presence.

I felt warm when he seemed hesitant about touching me, worried about how I might feel, taking my emotions into consideration above even his own Steyatt desire.

It couldn’t have been easy but I was touched nonetheless.

I relished the feel of his soft lips and the soft, gentle way he ran his tongue over mine.

I loved the feel of him pressing down on me like a great immovable rock that couldn’t be pushed, controlled, or cajoled.

I had witnessed him tearing the alien Goblars apart and he had done what I would have done if I’d had the strength.

I felt safer now more than ever before in his presence.

And after learning the truth about what was happening with the Goblars, why they were chasing us — or chasing me — I felt, if not relieved, then at least glad there was at least some logic to it all and it wasn’t just a random event.