There were more.

Many more.

Their shadows danced off the stark bare walls as Yaltah bundled me up in his arms and ran down the corridor.

I wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to do that — that I could carry myself — but I was still in shock and knew no matter how hard I tried, my legs simply wouldn’t work the way I would order them to and I wouldn’t move an inch.

He ran down the corridor faster than I could imagine — even encumbered with me as he was.

He turned one corner after another until I lost track and I had no idea where we were.

All I could see were those grinning sharp fangs and the bright yellow eyes of the ugly little Gremlin-like creatures that had pinned me down, their huge, oversized throbbing members hanging like a third leg, dripping and hard and aimed, prepared to assault me at a moment’s notice.

I cried, bawling like a baby, wishing this would soon be over, that this whole week, the disaster that it had been, would finally be called to a close.



I kicked the door open and entered the room without checking if it was clear first.

It made no difference.

If there were more of the creatures, I would have torn them apart with the way I was feeling, and I was only sad that there weren’t more of them for me to deal with.

This room was better organized than that of the previous one and that was due to the fact this room actually had a purpose.

It wasn’t a hidden cubby hole of some lazy employee who wished to hide from his duties.

Bunk beds lined two walls and a large series of wardrobes ran the length of the back.

There were lumps under the beds of items I had no interest in investigating but with a single sniff, I could already tell that none of it was food.

I lay Emily down.

She was already half asleep and made soft mewling, weeping sounds as I drew a blanket over her to keep her warm.

Then I dropped down and began pulling the items out from under the beds, searching for a plain emergency medical aid kit.

I searched under four beds before I found what I was looking for.

I cracked it open and was pleased to find the items I needed.

I took the instant healing pads out and placed them on Emily’s cuts and bruises.

Ordinarily, I would have preferred to let her heal naturally but we had no time for such things.

I dug out the adrenaline and tucked it in my pocket — it might come in useful later.

Once I was done dealing with Emily’s injuries, I sat on the edge of the bed opposite her and watched as she dreamed.

Goblars weren’t the most sophisticated creatures in the known universe but even they would notice several of their members were missing.

I had torn the troupe apart and knew without a doubt they would not be reporting much of anything to anyone for a very long time.

But even then, without being able to utter so much as a word, they could deliver a message to their buddies with the fact they had not returned from where they had been stationed and hadn’t reported back.

Then they would come looking for them, and eventually, come across their beaten and mutilated bodies.