But I wasn’t afraid.
By then, Yaltah would come for me.
I knew he would, somehow, even if he hadn’t been able to earlier.
He will come next time.
I was sure of it.
I began to slow my pace as I turned another corner.
And that’s when I came across them.
The monsters chasing me.
Only now, I was the one chasing them!
I hadn’t been taking notice of the corners I’d been taking, hadn’t noticed I had run in a circle — or, more accurately, a square.
They must have picked up on the directions I was choosing and knew I would come around the next corner — or rather, the previous one to them — and lie in wait for me as I rounded it.
Now the creatures stood before me, arms out wide to either side like the hungry mouths of a venus fly trap.
I ordered my legs to ease their pace, to pull a one-eighty and continue running and escape them somehow, but I was still running too fast and my momentum carried me forward into their waiting embrace.
Then I’ll change direction! I told myself.
I’d scoot around the aliens’ clutches or leap over them.
I was panicking, sending multiple contradictory messages to my body that didn’t know what to do or where to go.
My legs faltered halfway between carrying out a shift in direction and coiling up to launch myself over the heads of the lowly creatures.
Instead, I performed neither action and ended up with a half-crouch and malformed spring that resulted in me falling to the floor before the beasts.
They were on me yet again, taking advantage of my mistake.
Already, their claws were full of my flesh as they seized me.
I screamed and flailed but this time it was to no good.
They had me.
I was captured.
But it was worse than that — and I had known that since the first time I had laid eyes on them — when I witnessed their bulging throbbing cocks pointing and jabbing menacingly in my direction.
They had every intention of using them and were about to get their way on the dirty floor of a forgotten section somewhere deep inside the Seeding Facility.
They snatched at my negligee, tearing chunks out of it.
Then they seized my limbs one after the other, pressing their full weight onto them, pinning me down.
But they hit upon a snag.
There were only four of them and they each sat on my limbs.
There was no way one of them could climb on top of me without releasing an arm or a leg that I would snap out at them with.