I was to mate with them, both at the same time.
My emotions were immediately shunted back into confusion where they had been right before the Krev males’ earlier appearance.
The first shock had been at seeing there were two princes, learning they had lied to me.
Then the revelation about the Joisa and the fact I had two fated mates and not just one.
One shocking discovery after another.
When I couldn’t deal with it, when I needed time alone, I had turned and run away.
And before the night is out, there will be a third time too.
I had turned down four hallways before I ran into the figure.
“Excuse me!” I said, turning in another direction and peering back over my shoulder at him.
When I saw it was a human male wearing a kind and curious expression, I began to slow.
I turned back to him, wondering what a human male was doing here of all places.
After all, males could not get pregnant, could not be Seeded, but it didn’t matter.
It was the sight of a fellow human being that really caught my attention.
He was a stranger I did not know, but yet, we both found ourselves in this same alien place.
And it was perhaps for that reason I had approached him.
My thoughts of being a fated mate were still swirling around my head like a whirlwind but for the moment, I was reminded of my origins, of Earth.
Of home.
Of friends and family.
“Are you all right?” the human male asked.
I almost broke down in tears.
No, I thought. I was not all right.
I was destined for a future I had no choice in, destined to love not one but two alien males of a species I knew precisely dick about.
What was there to be all right about?
When he reached out and touched my arm, I felt a shiver run through me.
I was embarrassed to admit I fell into his arms.
He held me close before making soft shushing noises and gently brushing my hair.
There was nothing romantic about the situation, nothing threatening to the bond I felt with the two Krev males, but it was a warm and comforting touch — one I needed at that moment.
“It’s all right,” he said. “It’s going to be all right.”
I just bawled my eyes out, crying as hard as I could.
I wasn’t in pain, or even particularly angry, just in a full state of absolute and total shock — shock this had happened to me, in this place.