Page 1 of Seeded By Two



It wasn’t meant to go down like this.

The females were meant to enter the Claiming Room and the door on the opposite side was supposed to open…

Then the rampaging, horny alien males were meant to knock it down in their rush to reach us…

Then they would grasp, grope, lick, and snort as they fought each other to select their mate…

I had never had a guy back on Earth find me so attractive and impossible to resist that he simply had to have me right then and there…

For him to grab me by the arm and drag me into one of the back rooms where he would strip me naked and pummel me into oblivion…

And plant his Seed inside me so I would become pregnant.

There were too many social constructs back home, too many things that stopped a man from carrying through with his deeper, darker, baser instincts.

And that was a shame.

It might have even contributed to the fact that men could no longer impregnate women back on Earth, which was why we had to resort to coming to Seeding Facilities like this one and be treated like lumps of meat…

But resort was hardly the right word.

I couldn’t think of anything sexier and more seductive than a powerful muscled alien male Claiming me before all other females.

I had read all the first-hand reports of what it was like to come to a Seeding Facility.

Not one woman had complained about the experience — save for the pain experienced between their legs from the constant hammering they’d received at the virile alien male’s excitement… but I would hardly call that a negative!

But when we entered this Claiming Room, there were no males beating down the door…

No huge monstrous beasts racing to Claim us, to snatch us from the line…

And so, we stood there, waiting, wondering why we weren’t being treated the way we expected to be, why we were being left to dry (literally in my case).

I peered at the females lined up on either side of me.

They were bizarre and strange-looking creatures from all four corners of the galaxy; I couldn’t put a name to even half the species.

Not that it mattered.

They weren’t competition.

How could they be when there was an equal number of males?

As part of the deal, we were all guaranteed to be Seeded by the end of the week — what was called the Steyatt that these male beasts had to go through.

It was an entire week where they mated with a willing female… or else bad things happened.

And when I say bad things, I mean really bad things.

They literally lost all control of themselves and resorted to terrible violence.

They fell upon innocent victims and exploded with rage.

They tore everything they came across apart and there was simply no stopping them.