Page 72 of Imperfect Player

In fact, I would give just about anything to kiss her again.

Two hours. Two fucking hours and I’m already missing her. Not that it should surprise me. I mean, I missed the hell out of her when I left for our out-of-town series last week, and that was before last night. Before I knew what it felt like to be inside of her. To own her. To have her own me in ways that I didn’t think were possible.

I have a game tonight. One that I wish she could be at, but apparently she has other plans. A concert.

Pink, I think she said.

I don’t know her music. It’s not my thing. Not pop music, not music in general. All I like music for is the ability for it to drown out the thoughts in my head or pump me up for a game or workout session.

Not true for Everly. Apparently music is life, and Pink is her soundtrack.

I like learning about her. The secrets she divulges. The little idiosyncrasies that she admits to.

It does leave me with a pang of guilt though. My lack of sharing. The secrets that I harbor, that I fear for her to find out rather than relish in telling her. The dark spots. The demons. Things that I don’t want to think about when I’m with the one person that manages to keep them at bay.

The moment I step into the locker room, all eyes are on me.

“Get it over with,” I say.

Fuck if I’m not smiling like a giddy motherfucker. The razzing only lasts a few minutes before Coach calls it quits and we’re back on track. All except for Maddox.

“If looks could kill,” Fox says. He shudders.

“I don’t get what his deal with her is anyway. She’s not interested in him. I don’t think he’s interested in her. Why the hell does he care so much?”

“Beats me,” Fox says with a shrug. “But from the looks of it, you’re about to find out.”

Turning my head, I see Maddox standing next to me. “What?”

“You said you were going to stay away from her.”

“It’s not that simple.”

In fact, it’s complicated as fuck. I wanted to stay away from her. I didn’t want this.

“No? Then explain it to me.”

“I don’t have to explain shit to you. What happens between Everly and me is none of your business.”

“He has a point,” Fox says. “Just because she’s your agent doesn’t mean you get to dictate who she dates.”

“Don’t you get it? He isn’t dating her. He’s using her.”

Shit like that normally wouldn’t bother me. I’d let the accusations, founded or unfounded, roll off my back and move on. I don’t like that he thinks I would do that to Everly though, or that she would be dumb enough to fall for shit like that.

“What Everly and I have is real. I’m not using her. I care about her.”

There isn’t an ounce of hesitation in my voice as I speak the words.

“You better.”

Coach walks up behind us, and based on the look on his face, he’s ready to give me some shit too.

“Never thought I would see the day,” he says with a chuckle.

“You and me both.”

“She must be special.”