“Is that what you really want?”
“I’ve heeded your warnings and Maddox’s and even my own. But yes, I’m sure that’s what I want.”
“Can I see you tomorrow?”
“You can see me anytime you want.”
“You have no idea what you’ve just opened yourself up to with that statement.”
“Oh, I do.”
Silence fills the phone, but it’s nice. Comforting even. Just knowing that she’s on the other end of the line is enough.
“Goodnight, Ethan.”
“Night, sunshine.”
With Everly in the forefront of my mind, I make my way to my laptop. If I want to make a go of this with her, which God knows I fucking do, then I need to do right by her. I need to forget this fucking letter, I need to stay sober.
For her.
For us.
Fucking hell when did I even decide I wanted an us?
I chuckle. I don’t think I did. Not consciously at least. With Everly though, I just don’t think there was ever any other choice.
I pull up my email and type in the email address that the asshole claiming to be my father left me. I write up a quick message.
I don’t give a fuck if you’re my dad or not. Leave me alone.
I click the send button. There. Done. Over.
Time to move on. Time to be with Everly.
Chapter 16
Fox has spent the better part of practice talking about Everly. It’s a welcome topic compared to the one that’s been rolling around in my head all day.
“You guys look good together.”
“You seem a lot happier since you met her.”
Then the big question came.
“What’s going on between you two anyway?”
Good question. One that I’m trying to figure out.
First, that kiss. Then the way her voice soothed the ache in my chest last night.
Complicated fucking feelings. Something that had always been so easy to avoid before is nearly impossible when it comes to Everly.
Love and romance aren’t my thing. Unconditional love is not something I believe in. Yet isn’t that what a relationship is supposed to be? Two people who love each other no matter what. Good, bad, and everything in between?