I glance over at her, suddenly regretting asking my little brother to spend the night tonight.
After the year he’s had, we’ve had, he deserves this as much as I do.
The drive home takes a little longer than it should so I can give everyone time to get there.
When we pull in the drive, I’m pleased with how everything came together.
Lights, balloons, music.
Ben’s eyes widen as he steps into the backyard.
“Wow,” he says, standing there gawking and taking it all in.
When he notices some of the people, my teammates, he begins to stammer. “That’s . . . And that’s . . . ”
“It is,” I tell him. “They’re our friends.”
“Friend might be too strong of a word,” Maddox says, walking up next to us.
I shake my head and his hand at the same time.
“Maddox, this is Ben. Ben, this is—”
“Maddox Prescott. You’re my favorite player,” Ben tells him.
“Wait. I thought I was your favorite?” I ask, only slightly devastated by Ben’s revelation.
Next to me, Everly laughs. Maddox too.
“Let’s see what your brother has around this place for me to sign for you.”
Maddox gives me a wink and walks away with Ben.
I turn to Everly, who still looks amused by Ben’s comment.
“It’s not funny,” I tell her.
“It’s a little funny,” she says, putting her fingers an inch apart before bursting out laughing.
“I just can’t win,” I say.
“Awe, poor baby.” Everly wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me close. “You’re my favorite.”
“Well, yeah, but that’s because I give you multiple orgasms. I’m talking about being the best baseball player here.”
She rolls her eyes. “You’ll be his favorite again as soon as the others aren’t around.”
“I better be.”
“Come on, let’s mingle,” she says, referring to the party that’s in full effect.
“Nah? This was your idea.”
“There’s booze and women and music. The party is great, everyone will have a blast. They don’t need me here.”
“What if we need you?”