Page 141 of Imperfect Player

“Force of habit,” Tripp says.

“Everly stays out of the spotlight,” I tell him.

“Everly will do whatever she wants,” Everly informs me.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, agreeing, because let’s face it, when it comes to her, I have no other choice.

Tripp puts his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s head to our table.”

Chapter 44


There’s so much to talk about. So much to figure out.

Right now, none of it matters.

All that matters is Ethan. Me. Us.

All that matters is our love.

The connection we share is still there. It’s why, despite the way he popped back into my life no more than an hour ago, we can be here just like this, smiling and happy. Because we’re stronger together.

Still, when we step out of the limo and get accosted by the media, I’m more than impressed with the calm and collected way Ethan handles things. Especially the questions about his sobriety.

He doesn’t answer them. He focuses on the event at hand. The charity, his involvement, the kids. That’s what’s important.

Before I can compliment him, Tripp is on his way over with a beaming smile on his face. I know that look. I know what he’s seeing. Press. A narrative. Opportunity.

“You handled that well,” I tell Ethan when I finally have him back at my side.

“So did you.”

“Pretty sure I’m going to be squinting or cross eyed in the photos.”

“And still, you’ll be the most beautiful woman here.”

Together we walk into the ballroom, Tripp and Linnie behind us. All eyes are on us. I can see the scrutiny. The questions. All of which fall dead on their lips as Ethan seems to transform into someone else and begins shaking hands like a politician, greeting people and introducing me. He’s working the room with perfection.

“You’re really good at this,” I tell him when we reach our table.

“What can I say, you found the way to my heart—helping kids.”

Kids like him.

Maddox is at the table already with Chelle. There’s a scowl on his face and a smile on hers.

I didn’t take Ethan’s time away lightly.

Just like he had to, I came to terms with his addiction and what it would mean for me and us. The possibility of relapses. The possibility of pain and hurt from the ramifications of those relapses. I talked to Chelle at length about it. I made pro and con lists. I studied addiction and recovery at length.

I made an informed decision.

One that, in all honesty, my heart had already made for me.

Whatever I have to go through with Ethan, it’s worth it. He’s worth it. We’re worth it.

While I’m not being naive about the constant struggle this will be for him, or for us for that matter, but I do know that he’s worth it. I know the heart of him. The broken pieces he never wanted anyone to see. I know the way he makes my heart feel whole when no one else ever has.