Page 133 of Imperfect Player

And when I finally drop him off at home, the hug he gives me is probably the single best thing I have ever experienced in my life.

The words “I love you” fall so easily from his lips, and I wonder how he could love me when he didn’t even really know me. Then I realize that the feeling is mutual.

Love doesn’t have a time stamp on it.

It just . . . is.

When I make it back to my place, I settle onto the couch with Baker at my side, the stack of letters that Brad said are from Everly sitting on the coffee table before me.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with these?” I ask Baker. The dog. I’m talking to the goddamn dog. Worse, the look on his face is answer enough. Even he thinks I’m being a pussy about this.

“Don’t judge me,” I say, earning me a head tilt from Baker.

Luckily, letter one is simple enough. She hopes I’m doing well. She’s thinking about me. She misses me.

If only she knew how much I fucking miss her.

The only good thing that has ever happened to me.

Some of the letters are funny. Some break my goddamn heart. Most are just telling me about her day, her life, as though she is trying to make sure I knew that I am still a part of her. That we are still us.

The more recent letters are tougher to read. They talk about me, us, my addiction. How scared she is. How much she misses me. How I’m worth it.

It’s the last one, though, that tears me apart.


I can’t believe it’s been sixty days since I’ve seen you, let alone spoken to you. We weren’t together long, but even in that short time I grew to depend on you. On your presence in my life.

You always told me that I deserve better than you. So, I tried. I tried to find better.

His name is Nate. He’s a doctor. He’s sweet and handsome. Funny, too.

What he isn’t, though, is you.

One date is all it took to know that, regardless of what you’re trying to convince me of, there is no one better than you. Not for me. Not now. Not ever.

If we can’t be together for your sake, I can live with that.

What I can’t live with is you doing it for my sake. Because what I need is you.

I don’t give a damn about the demons. Never have, never will. I’ll be at your side and slay them with you.

I love you, Ethan. That will never change.



I set the letter down and run my hand through my hair.

Everly. Everly. Everly.

What in the hell am I going to do with you?

Chapter 41
